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Part IV

The Following Are Excerpts From

The Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings

A.D.K. Luk, Editor

With Notes By

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Life on the planet URANUS

Lord Maha Chohan, July 1956:  “URANUS is a very large planet and there are a tremendous number of lifestreams evolving upon it.  The people on this large planet of Uranus are beyond disease, death, or decay.  The vibratory action is much more rapid than it is upon the Earth [the reason our telescopes see incorrectly].  The people are of larger statue; they are seven to eight feet tall, golden haired and blue-eyed.  Strength, vitality, and power are the predominant qualities.  The people of Uranus are those described as belonging to the time of the Amazons, when the beautiful ladies of the golden hair dwelt on Earth.  Most of them came from Uranus and many of them have during their repetition of earth life taken on smaller bodies through mercy and wisdom of the Cosmic Law, in order to be less conspicuous….

On Uranus, the center of the entire planetary scheme is built on the spiritual priesthood, which is fully acknowledged and which governs not only the main continent where the main Temple is located, but also the other continents on that planet.  The people there recognize absolutely the Divine Sovereignty of this Cosmic priesthood.

The people of Uranus are very large in proportion and very beautiful.  A three year old child stands as high as four and a half feet.  They are trained from childhood in the Rites of Invocation, and Radiation; in the powers of levitation, precipitation, and etherealization.  The Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings walk and talk with them as you walk and talk with each other.  There is no veil, no maya [illusion], no human creation around the planet and it is a most marvelous thing to see what an evolution can accomplish when there are not those rip tides of psychic energy, nothing to hinder the expansion of the Immortal Flame within the heart fulfilling the Divine Plan and Pattern.

Their buildings are colossal.  Having the power of levitation, there is no need for mechanical machinery.  Everything is done by mindforce; the coloring is done by feeling.  Their atmosphere is perfect.  The moisture does not come in rainfall, but by a coarse substance that comes through what is similar to your earth.  The body structure itself of Uranus is a beautiful green instead of brown.  The moisture comes through the porous substance, fills their lakes, rivers, and cisterns, and fills the atmosphere with the necessary moisture.  The water is aquamarine; the landed surface is a darker green; the verdure and growth variegated in color.  That is determined mostly by the Aura of the individuals who represent the unit of people residing in certain localities.  The continental Devas affect the entire contour and over-all color of the various continents.  The great planetary Silent Watcher governs and controls the entire Uranium Aura in the atmosphere.

When a citizen decides to create a temple or a lovely home, he uses mindforce.  He directs his attention to the God-self or perhaps to some Master who is developed in the art of architecture.  Then through mindforce he cuts his design and builds.  Buildings are mostly open to the sky, some have canopies for beauty’s sake but not for protection form the elements, because there is no need for it.  When it comes to the great Temple work the priesthood alone works on that.  The priesthood draws from the Universal First Cause the design and pattern.  When these patterns have been received by the priesthood they are then imparted to the ones that will participate in the building, in the same manner as Sanat Kumara imparts the Thought-form of the year to the Hierarchy.  Then the Temples are built.

The one designated to do the coloring will draw on the Flame in his heart until he gets a concentrate of that particular color of blue energy, for instance, in, through, and around him, and then just like one puts point on with a brush, that blue energy flows out from him and just covers over that portion of the column, fresco, ceiling, or floor that is to be blue.  So each color is put on, they do all that through feeling.  They can do it very quickly or they can take time, as you know it, according to their desire.  Sometimes they create a family home that will last for hundreds of years.

The music on Uranus is strong, powerful, and vibrant, similar to “The Marseillaise” and all those songs like “Pomp & Circumstance” that represent faith and triumph.

Their activities are particularly concerned with the New Age….  Much has been said about the Aquarian Age.  This is because Uranus will enter into the Aquarian orbit; then the Earth entering the Uranium orbit, will in the next Cosmic wave go into the Aquarian orbit.  There are people here [on Earth] from Uranus, Mercury, and Venus as well as those who belong to the Earth.  Each one brings some memory of his planet and evolution.  Facts about other planets have come through individuals who came from these planets.

In the establishment of a contact between Uranus and Earth, it is important to realize that the Earth’s next step will be to enter into the socket of Uranus on the horizontal motion.  When the upward motion takes place, the Earth will move upward into the place in the solar system above, now occupied by Venus.”

[This movement of Earth is what we call the “ascension of Earth.  Earth’s inhabitants have been granted the privilege to ascend with the planet if we so choose.  Those who choose not to ascend with Earth will be taken to another planet where the 3rd dimensional plane of duality continues to exist.  Those who choose to ascend must complete the Initiatory Process demonstrated by Jesus 2000 years ago.  See my website:  www.pathwaytoascension.com for additional information … scroll down the center of my home page to my article entitled “Ascension.”  Jesus’ demonstration of the Initiatory Process stands above religion and applies to all Earth inhabitants.]

Life on the Planet AQUARIA

Maha Chohan, August 1955 – “The vibratory action of the planet AQUARIA is much more rapid than on Uranus since it is closer to the Sun.  The evolution of its people is much more quickly accomplished.  When Mercury has entered within the Electronic Belt of the Sun, Aquaria will be the closest to the Sun.

Aquaria is a smaller planet than Uranus and looking at it from Cosmic space, it presents a beautiful blue color, something like aquamarine, its color being a combination of the aquamarine and turquoise that is seen in the most perfect jewels.  Everything about it, even its verdure, flowers, and its nature kingdoms are all on the Seraphic lines of the most delicate and refined stature.  The people are very delicately fashioned as well, their hands, the contour of their faces, their bodies and forms are all very slim.  They have long slender feet and golden hair like those on Uranus.  The fine, delicate line of feature and design of person, home, and Temple are very evident.

The Aquarians have accomplished mastery of the Immortal Three-fold Flame within their hearts until It is visible so that the people of Aquaria are luminous from the waist upward and the Light blazes forth.  Everyone wears a natural crown of Light made up of the seven Rays of the Elohim.  Their jewels are precipitated fire, and all is done with delicacy and great finesse.

Their garments are mostly in the Grecian style, both men and women.  Their children are very fair and look almost like fairies as known on the Earth.  Their footfall is so light, because of the self-luminosity of the body, that when they move they do not even make an imprint upon the beautiful surface of the land where there grows a sort of an aquamarine colored ground covering, similar to your grass.

There are beautiful mountains in variegated colors.  Some of you have seen the mountain tops pink, gold, and violet, but these mountains on Aquaria are beautiful colors all over from top to bottom.  Because these people levitate as easily as the Masters, there are lovely golden pagodas and llamassaries way up in the very high places, which would seem almost inaccessible from the human standpoint.  There is great symmetry and a great pattern in all activities of nature.

There are seven continents on Aquaria.  There are seven continents on all the planets belonging to Helios and Vesta.  In the system above, the one in which Alpha and Omega belong, there were 12 continents on every planet.

There is delicate and beautiful music on Aquaria, rising to the Sun.  Since the individuals are self-luminous and the atmosphere has no discord, the Music of the Spheres is easily heard by all the people.

The inhabitants pass through a 14,000 year cycle from the time the soul is born until it receives its Ascension.  Some live to 1,000 to 1,200 years.  So-called death is unknown, and at the end of a life span since there is no disintegration or decay, the individual merely steps within a concentrate of the Fire of Etherealization which is focused in a Temple in the locality where he lives.  There are Temples which are like your crematories, not only every continent but every locality has such a Temple which they call “Completion.”  When the individual has completed a lifespan, he proceeds to that Temple, his family invariably accompanying him and to beautiful music and ceremony, he steps within the Flame and just disappears into the Light, consciously entering into the inner Realm where he forswears [to reject or renounce under oath] his body for the time being.  He often comes back and re-assumes his contact with the various members of his family.  Because of the long period of life there, even if he is out of embodiment for 200 to 300 years, most of his loved ones are still around and wait for him to return.

Birth on Aquaria is through the projection of the Light Rays from the chosen parents.  If the individual does not care to go through a period of young childhood, he is already in full command of his faculties.  He comes in wearing a very light garment which could not be called a fresh garment but is equivalent to that in the realm in which he abides.  Often, he will take on the studies in which he was proficient before he went out, arrangements being made with his family and friends before he enters the Temple of Completion, to put his books and experiments all together, usually into a lovely golden chest marked with his name and the approximate date of his return.

This continuity of consciousness makes things very much easier for the individual who lives on Aquaria.  When he is reborn, there is a ceremony again in a Temple which they call the Temple of Opportunity.  There the parents go, accompanied by family, friends, and loved ones.  As the parents direct the Light Rays, it forms the vortex of the heart of the incoming individual, into which the Presence of that one descends.  There is no veil, the Presence descends into a Flame similar to that which causes etherealization, then the parents coalesce around that Flame an outer vehicle.  It is only a matter of ten minutes or so until the child steps out of the Flame.  He usually greets the parents with a handclasp or an acknowledgment, greets his friends, and has a period of adjustment again to the planet.  He can then go and re-possess his treasures and continue with his experiments and activities of Light.

This planet is very, very beautiful and the lifestreams from it that have come to Earth can be distinquished easily by the very delicacy of their form.  They will always be individuals who are very slender, rather ethereal and they carry a great buoyancy and sensitivity of spirit.

The Mercurians are an entirely different type of lifestream.  They are tremendously charged with fire and are a very positive people.  Thinking upon the nature of beloved Ascended Master Morya, Who is a Mercurian, one can understand this.  So, the adjustment of the Aquarians to take the orbit of the fire people of Mercury is also quite an initiation.  Many Mercurians are living on Aquaria, assisting to this end.

To become acquainted with the planets, one can travel hither and yon in consciousness.  He can go and see the people there, as well as invite them to visit him.”

[The Maho Chohan is saying that Earth humans can visit the planets in consciousness (meditation).  This does not mean leaving your body, but traveling in consciousness to the planet.]


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
