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A True Story for All Young Adults!

Written on 11/11/11 by Nancy Detweiler

On this most powerful energetic day–11/11/11–I honor Jamie, one of my granddaughters!

Many young adults are having such financial difficulties that it cripples them from expressing who they truly are.

I honor Jamie because she has allowed nothing to stop her.  We were able to have a short lunch together yesterday.  She told me that she has experienced her most successful year–successful to the point of not having to worry over paying her bills, which for someone self-employed is a tremendous accomplishment!  She added that she felt so loved and surrounded by angels … that ever since she began asking the angels for assistance, her business has soared!

I watched Jamie go through the tremendous emotional trauma of a divorce while still in her twenties.  I watched her carry the load of paying off bills relating to her marriage, with little or no help from her former husband.  I watched her quit a job in which she was unhappy, and with no savings or financial backing go out on her own.  She did this at a time when the economy made things very tough.  I’ve watched through the years as she never gave up, even when she was under tremendous emotional and financial stress.  She has done this knowing that if she could not pay her student college loan, she could not declare bankruptcy — there is NO forgiveness for failing to pay off a student loan.

And now, at age 30, she has made it–at a time when numerous much more well-established businesses had to close!  And soon, we will have a new economic system that will provide far greater opportunities for our young adults to follow their Soul’s path and use their God-given talents.  Jamie has crossed the bridge to a bright future as a professional photographer!

Working on your own is an experience that only those who have done so can understand.  To work with the pressure of knowing that if you do not earn what you need today, the monthly bills won’t get paid tomorrow is something others can not comprehend.  Others have a set salary that comes whether or not they have worked diligently that week or spent it goofing off. Others have back up in a spouse’s salary—an environment I do not call “working on your own.”

Working on your own involves … no paid vacation … no paid sick leave … no co-paid health insurance … no co-payment on FICA … no taxes withheld.  The individual who truly works on her own has absolutely no back-up assistance.  She alone must do it all, with no let up of effort!

Why would anyone choose to work on her own?  To be true to who she is … to use her talents in the way she chooses … to be free to innovate without having to abide by someone else’s demands.  The pay-off is earning a living while not knowing whether you are playing or working!  I don’t know the self-employed person who has made it that would voluntarily return to a “job.”  Most often “a job” means stifling who you truly are in deference to another’s demands.

To the self-employed, “making it” does not mean a new home, new car, and lots of material possessions.  Instead, “making it” is the joy of fulfilling your Soul’s Plan … of using your talents to make a difference in the world … of allowing who you are as a unique spark of divinity to unfold in ways that grant you and others moments of ecstasy … of knowing that you live your life fulfilling your individual role in the overall Divine Plan for humanity!

Jamie has done this and I am extremely proud of her!  She has proven in a very tangible form that “With God, all things are possible!”

That affirmation goes for all young adults who are frustrated and struggling with student loans, no “job” or a job they do not enjoy, and a very difficult economy. The answer to your dilemma could very well be that you need to follow your dream, your passion, your talents.  Once we embark on our Soul’s Path, the Way opens for us!

“Seek first [your unique place in] the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  (Matthew 6:33)  To be “righteous” means to abide by the Universal Laws, not simply the man-made laws of a particular group or society.



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