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“Messages to Lightworkers Disappointed over December, 21, 2012

From One of the Newly Awakened Ones” — Anonymous

 Man on beach[i]


Anonymous wrote me a series of messages today after listening to Steve Beckow’s very frank (and welcome to many of us) discussion with Sanat Kumara on January 7, 2013.  You may hear this discussion at:   http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/3285/

 He asked that I share his thoughts with Lightworkers in particular. Anonymous speaks from the perspective of presently serving on the staff of two churches.  His ministry places him in touch with many people on a regular and personal basis.

This anonymous minister is not to be confused with THE Anonymous on the internet.


 Message 1:

This was a beautiful message.  I am sure that many may not or cannot feel the hope, peace, joy and abundance at present.  I do feel it: and I am so very, very, very happy and overjoyed with what I keep experiencing every day.

Each day is another amazing enlightenment for me and for those whom I keep “running into.”  Perhaps it is my Piscean nature that allows me to adjust and adapt so quickly.  I am so accustomed to “last minute changes” in life, that I always simply “go with the flow” and therefore I am always in sync.  I know that others cannot adapt that easily, but it is at such a time as this that I am very thankful for my ability.

I wish that many of the Lightworkers who are so disheartened at this time could see and feel what I am seeing and feeling.  Please pass on to all of them that all is going as planned.

That is the best I can do to encourage all of my brothers and sisters.  It is all so very, very good that it is actually more amazing than I ever thought it would be.

It is true that so many people DID want to ascend at the last minute.  I see it all the time.  There are fledglings out here on Gaia every day that are saying “Ah, I see, I see.”

No one is going to be left behind.  My heart resonates with this message perhaps more than any other has.  I am grateful that the human collective surprised all of the heavenly beings.

“What is man that you are mindful of him?”  We are amazing beings!

 Message 2

You know, Nancy, I just got to thinking about the sacrifice and the diligence of service that Linda and all channels undergo every day.  They experience the same quick withdrawal of love and support that the Bible prophets of old experienced when they put themselves out there and the messages did not pander out as planned.

I am so reminded of Jonah wanting to see the people of Nineveh destroyed, only to get downright angry when “God” said that compassion was necessary and that there had been a change in plan because of Nineveh’s change of heart!!!!!.

Elijah went through the exact same thing. The Israelites loved Elijah UNTIL the prophesies did not go the way they had anticipated.

When people turn against the channel, it shows the darkness that actually exists in that person’s heart … that perhaps they were not as “pure” and “loving” as THEY had thought themselves to be.

Exactly WHOM were people trusting????… The Channel??????

I remember that when I sold Real Estate and had to tell the buyer or seller bad news, I would ALWAYS say “Here is the message.  Please do not KILL the messenger!”

I admire anyone who puts themselves out there in the service of the greatest good.  If you know any of these channels, please tell them from me personally that I love, support and believe in their gifts and service, and that they are loved and not at all forsaken by the collective.

Please tell them to gird up their loins knowing that their labor is never in vain.

My faith is even stronger now then it was weeks ago!

 Message 3

On Sunday at the Presbyterian Church up here, the Pastor gave his meditation and served Communion afterwards.  I listened to the message and much of it still contained remnants of the old energy; but so much of the message contained new and never-before-expressed knowledge and sentiments.

The Pastor shared how he, at one point, thought he knew everything there was to know and was quite comfortable with it  However, he admitted that he has learned to love and embrace the Muslim, the Buddhist, the Black, the Gay, and even women ministers.  He exhorted the congregation to do the same.

A year ago, this Pastor would have NEVER said that… trust me on this!

Watching him change this past year has been a highlight of my life.  Does he have more to go???? Oh yeah … but the very fact that he has come this far and is still open to learning shows just how wonderful and benevolent “God” is in allowing Ascension to be as it is at present.

No matter how far we THINK we have come, may we never cease to know just HOW MUCH MORE we need to explore “the length, depth, breadth and height of the Love of God that PASSES human understanding.”

I am continually learning to embrace all that I have learned from Christianity and not eschew it.  Whatever is not the truth needs to go, but that which IS true can remain and blossom.

Though many remain in the hallowed halls of the Church, many are embracing a “love” that they never quite knew before.  THAT is thrilling.  May we all every day seek the “Christ” that dwells in each human being.

An intent to LOVE above all things never puts any of us in muddy waters or quicksand foundations.

“My ways are not your ways, saith the lord, and my thoughts are not your thoughts; for as the heavens are high above the earth, so are my ways and thoughts above yours.”

One of the great things about still being in Churches, is to HEAR these Scriptures, and to be able to “hear” and “interpret” them anew.  I can only hope that all of us will never stop being amazed and surprised at the goodness and benevolence of “God” in whom “we live, move and have our being.”

 Message 4 – In this message our Anonymous Awakened Minister offers assistance to Lightworkers.

 Many Lightworkers have been on the front lines for so long.  Everything they have done has created what is now so possible for multitudes.  Many of us were not on the front lines, but we now *are.*  We are the troops called in to replace the weary while they get refreshment.

We are the “new wave” of workers, the second string, who are now reaping from what has been so faithfully sown. Gaia knows that to be both a sower and reaper can be very tiring.

Please tell all of the Lightworkers to use this time as a much needed time of refreshment and replenishment.  Let some of *us* now carry on the work that was started.  We will grow weary in time and will need refreshment and replenishment, also. 

 We are all in this together.  Rest and let us carry on.  We will in our own capacities!





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When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
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