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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Today, as I read John Smallman’s channeled message from Saul, I was struck by the contrast between what Saul was saying and what Christianity teaches.  Saul’s message may be read at:  http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/you-can-only-be-happy-if-you-express-your-true-nature/

I single out Christianity simply because it is the religion with which I am familiar.  I am, in no way, saying that the other religions depict a God of absolute, unconditional love.  Religions have been the basis for wars, hate crimes, discrimination, and racism for thousands of years.  This is because religions have been used by the power elite for controlling the people through fear.  But, first, the people must conceive of a God they fear.

Christianity mixes love with violence in its depiction of God.  In other words, God loves us, so he devises a violent plan to save us from yet another of His/Her violent creations–hell.  Thus we have a God who is love and a God who is violent.  We naturally fear a schizophrenic God.

No wonder we have such a violent world!!!

Christianity is basically the teaching found in the scriptural verse John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.” 

There are four basic teachings in this one verse—a verse that churches have children memorize at an early age.  However, when read or recited, this one verse is filled with subliminal messages heard beneath the spoken words by our subconscious minds.

“God so loved the world….”   This opening statement prepares us subliminally to hear what God did to demonstrate His/Her love for the world.  It also sends the subliminal message that God demonstrates Her/His love for us in a particular (conditional love) way.

“…that He sent His only begotten Son….”  This phrase sends the subliminal message that only one of God’s creation is His Son.  This renders the rest of us different and not a natural part of God’s family—thus separate from Father/Mother God.  As a result, humanity can be taught to worship Jesus as different and far above us, which is contrary to Jesus’ teachings.

Jesus taught us, quoting a Psalm he wrote during his lifetime as Asaph, Psalm 82:6 – “ye are gods.”  (John 10:34)  In John 14:12, Jesus tells his disciples:  “you shall do greater things than these….”  Jesus, in no way, set himself apart from us.  Instead, he taught “ye are gods.”

“…that whosoever believes in Him….”  Subliminally, we hear “this is the only way.”

“…shall have eternal life.”  Our subconscious minds hear:  “not everyone will have eternal life.”  We also hear eternal life begins only after we die.  The fact that “eternal” means no beginning and no ending loses its true significance.  This mis-use of the word “eternal” has enabled Christianity to omit the fact of reincarnation in its teaching, with the horrendous result that we have lost conscious connection with our soul and its plan for incarnation and been turned into a physical body that is dust you are and to dust shall you return.”  (Genesis 3:19)  Thus, fear of death becomes an inherent characteristic by which we can be controlled by those who choose to do so.

This verse—containing so much subliminal disinformation—is known by many Christians as “God’s plan of salvation from an eternity of burning in hell.”  It naturally conjures up two very vivid violent pictures depicting Mother/Father God’s action in our world.



Many Christians, including many who gave up on religion, live with these violent pictures hovering in their subconscious minds.

Now that Earth humans reside on the 4th dimension, where our sole lesson is LOVE, we  need to give up the God of violence we have been taught to believe in.

Saul’s message briefly describes the world of unconditional love that is reality.  When we ascended from the 3rd dimension of duality—a world that was total illusion—in December 2012, we moved to the 4th dimension until we learn how to live in Love … until we get to know our Mother/Father God of absolute, unconditional Love … and learn to relax in that world of Love … to be who we truly are—gods of Love … and to treat all others with the unconditional Love in which we are forever enfolded.

Then, we can ascend to the 5th dimension of Love & Light where suffering will be no more!


LOVE, not violence, is the Divine Plan of Salvation from all that would render us less that who we truly are!

We can learn to abide by Jesus’ teachings and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  These lessons will be helpful:  http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/11/25/all-that-is-hidden-will-be-revealed/


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