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Nancy B. Detweiler

in all things

For years, I have dreaded “the holiday season” because the spiritual arts of Giving Thanks and Acting in Love have become so contaminated. Perhaps, we manage some meaningful time with those we love in November, but mostly we will hear of black Friday and the violence that often occurs, holiday traffic accidents, flight cancellations and people stranded in airports, and non-stop commercials urging us to go shopping. We equate Thanksgiving with large meals … gaining weight… and watching football games.


In December, maybe some gifts are given with a true understanding and love for the unique individual to whom they are given, but more often gifts are bought out of feelings of obligation, with little or no thought as to the uniqueness of each individual.

Christians say they are celebrating the birth of Jesus. Why? By the time January rolls around, will “Christians” be living out the Christed Consciousness? Or simply return to life as usual, with all of its ideologies, discrimination, church politics, and racism?

It is during the holiday season that we become most exhausted, most frustrated, spend needlessly, and forget the serenity of communing with Mother/Father God in thanksgiving and the joy of giving to another a gift that brings forth that marvelous feeling of “he/she cared enough to give me this token of love!”

I’d rather not set dates for giving thanks and gifts. “In all things, give thanks!” And who can top surprising another with a gift that expresses your understanding of the unique qualities of that individual–especially a gift you spent time making while integrating love into every stitch, every nail, every bit of paint–every moment of creating “for” him/her? In other words, a gift that includes a part of you!

Living out the Christed Consciousness is a daily celebration of giving thanks and offering gifts of love!


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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
