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We Have Arrived At New Earth ~ Make It Real

A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin

January 27, 2014.


Set The Stage For New Earth

 How to help Humanity as a Whole. What seems to be the lowest energy has taken over the world. On one hand we have satellites, computers and connectivity. On the other hand we have homelessness, mass starvation and world war. We must show Humanity there is a different way. We show Humanity what seems impossible We Will Make Possible. A better Society can be created. A seed has been sown. Those around the world who would like to make an outstanding contribution and are aspiring toward something beautiful, they feel hopeless. Especially they feel helpless to bring their dream come true because of lack. There is a new networking that will be done to connect and support, inspire and encourage these Earth changers. It is possible to begin forming and executing the Humanitarian Projects now. Organize! These Ones will be more connected with the Universe as the year rolls on. It’s not about money. It’s about Action. Love In Action.

The Reality for The Ground Crew on Earth

 We have entered the Satya Yuga. The energies of the Golden Age have been accessible from Earth since January 1, 2013 just following the alignment of Galactic Center with Cosmic Center on December 21, 2012. The Reality is, even if the Event has not yet taken place, you may still draw into your daily activities the miracles of the Golden Age. Enough people are awake and aware to make any endeavor possible now. No matter how big or small your project is, it is time to take action. Put it into play. Implement it! The first question for you is Do You Know Your Mission? Yes. Initially your Mission is to Ascend Earth, that is complete. Next is to heal your imbalances and pursue full time your individual Ascension or Enlightenment. As you complete this important task you are preparing yourself for the next role. Some of you have already arrived. You may have a vision for a company, a Foundation or a business model. How can you use your creativity, talent, money and labor to make Earth better?

How To Activate Your Dream Into The Now

 READ MORE:  http://cosmicascension.org/we-have-arrived-at-new-earth-make-it-real-a-message-from-lord-sananda-through-elizabeth-trutwin-january-27-2014/



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