Home » Gordon Duff » WEAKENED US UNABLE TO FIGHT MORE WARS – Gordon Duff of VETERANS TODAY – 510/14

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NOTE BY NANCY:  THIS IS ACTUALLY VERY GOOD NEWS!  Gordon Duff’s account of war damage to people who have served in the military is heartbreaking.  NO MORE WAR is what the people want!  Our NEW EARTH’s vibration of LOVE is to become too high … all warring is to cease!



 Weakened US unable to fight more wars

Saturday, May 10th, 2014 | Posted by Gordon Duff

361410_US-forcesYears of war have left the US military exhausted and depleted, Gordon Duff writes.

 While America talks going to war in Europe, those who follow the real condition of America’s military forces, active duty, reserve and veterans, they know it to be nothing but empty talk.  Over a dozen years of war has left America’s military manpower exhausted, physically, mentally and “politically.”

Any new war will have to be fought without experienced non-commissioned officers or top special operations professionals.  Studies now show that they haven’t simply given up on military service, but that an entire generation of American military is dead, dying or disabled.

War Hoax

Fewer Americans are willing to believe, willing to blindly follow, willing to die for what more and more now clearly see as wars for Wall Street.

Perhaps the most carefully hidden impact on America’s ability to wage war is the epidemic of military/veteran suicides, numbers far more than anyone imagined.  Current suicide numbers actually exceed the total combat deaths from both the Vietnam and Korean wars.

Current “Epic Failure”

There is a reason that American troop deployments into Poland and Latvia are so pitiful, despite the fact that nearly all US troops are out of the Middle East.  America’s “war games” deployment meant to intimidate Putin’s Russia accentuates a frightening fact few are aware of.  America’s trained military “inventory” is nearly totally depleted.

READ MORE: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/10/weakened-us-unable-to-fight-more-wars/



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