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On May 30, 2010, Dove of Oneness (her code name) returned to spiritual realms.  For years, Dove worked tirelessly 24/7 to bring forth an announcement of NESARA and its benefits.  As has been true of anyone working in opposition to the dark cabal, Dove was mercilessly ridiculed and controversy followed her every step.

Since her death, her website has been deleted, along with the years of reports she issued to keep those desiring to have NESARA announced up to date.

nesara10One of 40+ demonstrations in front of the Peace Palace, Hague, Netherlands

“I remember how happy I felt on September 10, 2001, when I heard this so-called last step had been accomplished and that it looked like we would have NESARA announced in the next 48 hours. Then on September 11, 2001 at 6:30 a.m. Pacific Time, I was awakened with a phone call about the attacks on the WTC.

As I have reported, Alan Greenspan is the White Knight whose doctoral thesis is the basis for the new U.S. Treasury Bank and currency backed by precious metals. I’m told Greenspan has dedicated his life to being in the right position to bring forth this far SUPERIOR currency and banking system which truly does provide considerable ECONOMIC STABILITY compared to the dark agenda controlled Federal Reserve system with fiat based currency. I’m told Greenspan was scheduled to begin his part of the NESARA U.S. Treasury Banks and new currency announcement at 10 A.M. EDT on September 11, 2001. I’m told that in conjunction with this initiating of the new U.S. Treasury Bank system, a very important international banking computer center on Floors One and Two of the WTC was to begin doing a computer download to U.S. banks at 9 A.M. EDT on September 11, 2001.

I’ve been told many details about how the dark agenda CIA planned, and using certain remote processes, carried out the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and the other attacks on 9/11. I’m told that a group of about 100 people in a dark agenda CIA unit hastily developed the whole 9/11 attack scenario in August 2001. I’m told this group carried out the attacks and staged the so-called cell phone calls purported to be from passengers on the commercial airlines by using voice impersonation technology and other remote technologies. I’m told the TRUE story of how these employees of the federal government CIA agency staged the 9/11 attacks WILL COME out because the White Knights have some of these CIA personnel in custody and have PROOF that this was a dark agenda CIA operation.

I’m told the White Knights also have the people who used remote pilot technology to fly a small white private plane loaded with explosives into the Pentagon at the EXACT location where the White Knights in the U.S. Military had their new communications center which was coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. The Pennsylvania location where the commercial airliner went down on 9/11 was also the location of something not visible that was related to the NESARA implementation.

I’m told the dark agenda CIA operations HIT the TARGETS on 9/11 that needed to be hit to knock the NESARA Announcement off course on September 11, 2001. I’m told the dark agenda CIA group also created an entire FICTION of Arab involvement using names of Arabs who, in many cases were either dead or in jail in the Middle East, who supposedly were involved in the 9/11 attacks. The whole Arab twist was just to give Bush Jr. a publicly acceptable reason to send the U.S. Military to Afghanistan. MUCH of these sloppy details have come out since 9/11 at times and the details WERE sloppy, such as the FACT that there was ZERO Boeing 757 commercial airliner wreckage found at the Pentagon 9/11 explosions site. You can see pictures taken by the U.S. military and other sources at the following websites and the first website shows the small white plane hitting the Pentagon; the second website has 11 different pictures of the Pentagon right after the explosions including close up pictures of the firemen fighting the fire and cites the sources of the pictures proving there was ZERO Boeing 757 involved in the Pentagon explosions on 9/11. Website [this URL no longer in operation] showing SMALL PLANE hitting the Pentagon on 9/11: Website of CLOSE UP pictures of the Pentagon right after the explosions. [Website URL no longer in operation]”

You may read Dove’s complete summary of her experiences with NESARA at:





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