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Putin’s Dilemma



By Preston James, Ph.D on January 13, 2016

“Is it time to cut the head off the Khazarian Mafia snake that has been parasitizing the World and trying to destroy and enslave Russians for over 1,000 years?

by  Preston James and Mike Harris

“When the US Military was sent into the first Gulf war, the rationalization was that Saddam unjustifiably invaded Kuwait as an act of outright aggression and this was viewed by the US Administration, Congress and the American People as a serious war crime in and of itself because they had been misinformed.

The American people were never told the truth about this by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

As usual there is always more to any story like this behind the lines that never gets told in the CMMM, the main propaganda arm of the USG and the Pentagon which both have been deeply infiltrated and hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

The actual thing that set this invasion of Kuwait off like a match to kindling was the secret deployment of horizontal drilling into Saddam’s main oil field by Kuwait, and then his being informed of that illegal act by April Glaspie, the US Ambassador.

This actual cause that set off Saddam to invade Kuwait was unknown and unpublished at the time except by Intel insiders and those in the top positions of the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Department and the Administration.

This was all part of a sophisticated US covert operation on the KM’s behalf to take America to war in the Mideast for Israel further the KM’s “Greater Israel Plan”….

On the one hand the US Administration along with other NATO nations had been selling huge amounts of arms to Saddam to regain oil dollars spent by the West purchasing Iraqi Oil and were helping him arm to the teeth. Other sophisticated covert operation were conducted by the KM using Cutouts inside the Pentagon and Israel to encourage Saddam to wage war against Iran to weaken both Iraq and Iran.

The purpose of all this was to create chaos to destabilize the Mideast as part of the 50 year “Greater Israel Plan”, and to sell lots of armaments and war supplies to make huge continuing profits for the large KM related Defense contractors and banks….”


“…. It should now be clear to all that Putin and the Russian Federation have the legal right under International law, maritime law and Natural Law to hold secret trials in absentia and declare war on the Khazarian Mafia and its Kingpins and take direct action to eliminate this threat.

Russia is well justified to order and deploy direct action to eliminate any continuing threat the KM Kingpins pose by any reasonable means. Such corrections should of course be done using Russian Intel assets which are actually in place all over the World without harming any innocent civilians….”

READ MORE:   http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/01/13/putins-dilemma/







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