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Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 11. The Pleiadians – Are You Joining Us NOW?


“Are you joining us NOW?” we hear many of our Volunteers to Earth ask.

“Pretty much,” is our unified response that we send deep into the consciousness of the many who are asking us that question.

“What do you want me to do?” The Volunteers usually ask. The Awakened Ones are ready and eager to contribute all that they can to the process of personal and planetary Ascension.

“Build a team of dedicated Ones who can join in Unity Consciousness. This Unity Consciousness will greatly boost the individual consciousness of each of you into the greater bandwidth of group consciousness. Then we ask that each of you share your experiences and place them in with others.

In this manner, you will begin to ‘make Ascension normal’. Once Ascension is normal, the fear of the unknown will be easily released. Then, anyone new to the experience of ‘peeking into the fifth dimension’ will have a support team with whom they can communicate and share.

READ MORE:  http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/06/26/suzanne-lie-preparing-first-contact-chapter-11-pleiadians-joining-us-now/


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