Home » Spirituality » MESSAGE FROM MATTHEW – DECEMBER 9, 2016

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“Dear ones, you can have peace of mind if you think about what you know that most people don’t:

     The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could.

Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.

     Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature….”

“….  Several readers have asked if NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is the solution to this situation that many around the world regard as a pivotal point in time—it is, and it would be resoundingly welcomed if everyone knew what is to ensue….”

“….  For 16 years the Act’s implementation has been prevented by one nefarious means or another—most ruthlessly by the “9/11” betrayal of that country by its leaders—because of its provision that returns the nation to its constitutional status as a sovereign republic, nullifies the existing corporation that was promptly and stealthily established by the Illuminati British royals, and tosses out all officeholders. If for that reason only, the new administration would keep the Act under former President Bill Clinton’s gag order that legally prohibits anyone who knows of it to ever speak about it publicly. And, the Illuminati within and beyond Congress will continue doing whatever it takes to keep the lid on NESARA because all of its provisions were designed to end their control of that country and ultimately, the world….”

READ COMPLETE MESSAGE:  http://www.matthewbooks.com/december-9-2016/ 


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