Home » The Deep State » THE DEEP STATE – 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Going Crazy

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NOTE BY NANCY:  This video is very likely the most important video I have ever seen!  I earned a college double major in history and education at one of the top universities in the nation (at least in the 1960s).  For years, I have known that Americans are deliberately “dumbed down” by our educational and religious hierarchy, thereby creating a naive, sheeple population that could be easily controlled.  

This video will tell you historical facts that I never heard while majoring in history and that I feel sure you have never heard, unless you happened to read them on the internet in recent yrs.  

Every American needs to listen to this video!  You’ll understand a lot as you do!

THE DEEP STATE – 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Going Crazy



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