Home » Ascended Masters' Teachings » OPENING THE CHAKRAS

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I received a private question that I am choosing to answer on my blog because it is so important.  The question involved feeling discomfort around the heart chakra following a meditation done for the purpose of opening the chakras.

As a former teacher of metaphysics, I encouraged students to focus on cleansing rather than opening the chakras.  Chakras naturally open as we seek to cleanse our energetic bodies—physical, emotional, and lower mental—of negativity.  To concentrate on opening the chakras prematurely is dangerous activity.

The kundalini energy resting in the Root Chakra at the base of the spine is extremely powerful energy.  To have it rise prematurely can cause serious damage to the nervous system and open your conscious awareness to a point you are unprepared to handle effectively.   As we cleanse our energetic field, the kundalini energy flows naturally through the chakras without causing damage.  The experience of pain or discomfort comes because the kundalini energy has encountered negative blocks of energy within the chakra area.

You can find a summary of holistic spiritual growth including a listing of the seven major chakras and their positive/negative expressions on my website at:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/lessons.html I strongly encourage anyone desiring to grow spiritually to study these two lessons.

Negative energy cannot move into the 5th dimension of ascension consciousness.  For this reason, we must cleanse our energetic bodies.  It is slower work, but has to be done.

The criticism I have regarding meditations for the purpose of opening the chakras is that they attempt to skip required steps.  Sure, you may open them prematurely and experience moments of a world of unparalleled beauty and love; however, the need to cleanse all negativity remains.  The cleansing process must be accomplished if you want a higher level of consciousness to be your permanent state of being.  I go into this in the metaphysical lessons on the above site.

As you will see in the lessons, cleansing your energetic field is to also heal yourself.  Our physical bodies are the outpicturing of what we think and feel.  Thoughts actually congeal into form.  For examples – the paintings below are those of a clairvoyant who could see the aura encircling a human being.

An aura filled with anger

Aura filled with the prickly fingers of fear.

The ability to see the aura is why animals can sense (or see) our fear, our illness, etc.

(Paintings taken from CW Leadbeater’s MAN: VISIBLE & INVISIBLE)

Spiritual growth can be very exciting, but cleansing is a necessary step.  The lessons include techniques for doing so, with a special emphasis on using the Purple Transmuting Flame—God’s gift of grace.


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