Home » Emmanuel Dagher » ENERGY FORECAST FOR MAY 2014 – Emmanuel Dagher

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Emmanuel Dagher


Hi my friend, these monthly updates are created with the intention of providing you with clarity of what’s going on energetically on the planet as a whole. As things continue to shift quickly, may these energy forecasts support & nourish you.


Did that Really Happen? 

May 2014

Blessings My Friend,

How have you been since we last connected, at the beginning of last month?

In April’s Forecast, I shared that there would be several celestial alignments that would inspire rapid changes to occur in our consciousness, and that a big part of this change would include a profound purification of our mind, body and emotions.

The Solar Eclipse at the end of April was the exclamation point that closed the doorway to what was probably one of the most intense yet transformative times in the last 10 years.

If you glided through the past month completely unaffected by the intense energies, then you’ve probably reached a point of great balance within yourself.

However, if you struggled with those profound shifts, know that you are not alone, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path.

For many, the experiences of the last month have left them asking, “Did that really happen?”

READ MORE: http://www.emmanueldagher.com/energy-forecast




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