Home » Benjamin Fulford » Benjamin Fulford’s WeeklyReport September 1, 2014 – Comments by David Wilcock

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NOTE BY NANCY: I share Fulford’s report & Wilcock’s comments to allow you to see that an INVISIBLE WAR is waging on our planet between the New World Order folks and those working for the Light in an effort to end the enslaving control of the NWO dark cabal on Earth.

It is important to know about this war; otherwise, we end up fighting against the very people who are working for humanity’s freedom and supporting the very people who want to enslave us to an even greater degree than we presently are.

We cannot listen to the Evening News and think we are hearing truth … we are not! What goes by the name of “news” is actually NWO propaganda to generate fear. Do not respond with fear … instead, enfold our planet with Light!

What does humanity have to look forward to: NESARA and GESARA (Global)!


Benjamin Fulford’s WeeklyReport

September 1, 2014


“China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist organized crime syndicate”

  Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, he was told. The WDS told the agent said that if the Chinese government failed to act on this advice it would show they actually worked for the Nazionists. If that turns out to be the case, then China’s 500 million “wandering people” (流民) would have to be mobilized to force the Chinese government to act, the agent replied. A detailed method for doing this was outlined.

Meanwhile, NATO has set up a 12 mile long steel fence to guard 150 VIPS representing 67 countries (NATO only has 28 countries in it) for a big military love fest in Wales, England this week. As the event gears up, US rogue regime “politicians” and military lobbyists are using their manufactured Ukrainian crisis as an excuse to call for European countries to increase their “defense” (i.e. war) budgets. In other words, they are acting exactly according to the Bush Sr. script (as revealed by MI5) calling for a fake new cold war as an excuse to militarize Europe, the US, Russia and Japan in preparation for war against China.

Also, repeated warnings of a new “ISIS” terror event in the US and/or the UK are being trumpeted in the Nazionist propaganda media. This indicates the defense contractors congregating around the NATO meeting are planning to stage some sort of big false flag event in order to get public support for more military spending, MI5 sources say.

There are also growing indications an attempt will be made to take out the US power grid or parts of this power grid. This would be aimed at shutting down the US financial and Google/NSA computer networks, both MI5 and gnostic illuminati sources say.

CIA sources in Europe, meanwhile, are saying “a lot of people are going to be dead,” in the US as part of a big push to destroy the network of criminals responsible for 911, the destruction of Iraq, the spread of bio-weapons and other genocidal crimes.

The attempted murder last week of former FBI head Louis Freeh was probably part of the campaign, the sources said. Freeh was deeply involved in the 911 mass murder event, multiple sources agree

Pope Francis is also under attack and P2 freemason sources are saying there is evidence he is being hit with a slow acting poison that causes neurological damage. The pope is being attacked because he is revoking special immunity from prosecution for war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush Jr, the sources say. [This news of Pope Francis is totally separate from his indictment by the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church & State.]

There is also a lot of financial warfare taking place both in public and in secret these days. In public, the FBI accused Russia of hacking the financial computer networks of J.P. Morgan and other major US financial institutions. This attack came after many suspicious deaths of executives involved in running J.P. Morgan’s financial computer.


The large US banks are using vast derivatives portfolios backed by nothing to prevent the collapse of the Federal Reserve Board, according to Chinese government and other sources. The attacks of J.P. Morgan are part of an effort to shut down this derivatives fraud, they said.

Also, in what is probably part of a campaign to remove her, IMF head Christine Lagarde announced she was being investigated by French prosecutors for fraud. The IMF under Lagarde, of course, remains unfunded and unreformed mainly because the US corporate government refuses to give up its control of it.

A sign the owners of the Federal Reserve Board are running scared is an article in their flagship publication Foreign Affairs that is calling for Feds to print and directly hand cash over to average Americans.


What this really means is that they are hoping that if they just print out and hand over cash, they will be able to avoid having their private money making machine confiscated. It is like a besieged king opening his treasure room and trying to bribe an invading peasant rabble with it. The problem is the peasants can just take it without asking. The same is true with the Federal Reserve Board, why should a small inbred group of trillionaires have the right to create money when the US constitution states clearly that right belongs to the people.

Senior Fed agent Henry Kissinger also issued a widely pushed essay last week calling for a “New World Order” and the maintenance of “US exceptionalism.” The overall tone of the essay made it clear Kissinger was not happy to see this US ruled order falling apart.

The Feds are also running around Asia trying to find money to keep their fraudulent empire going. CIA sources in Asia reported that Bill Clinton, Richard Armitage and others were in Indonesia trying to get their hands on gold. These sources are also saying the Iran-based second son of the former Shah of Iran has been allowing US corporate government agents to get access to Persian dynastic gold being stored in Thailand.

Also in Japan and Korea last week, multiple attempts were being made by Fed agents to use gold-backed historical bonds of astronomical face value to fund the US corporate government, Japanese government sources say. As a part of this, a WDS representative was offered many billions of dollars by Fed agents to help use some of these bonds to get gold. He was told the WDS would only deal with them when they showed up with actual physical gold, not paper.

All of this unsuccessful Fed activity and cabal war-mongering is a clear sign they are losing the battle for the planet earth. The internet has evolved to the point that their false flag incidents are uncovered almost immediately. It took take decades for false flag events like the Tonkin Gulf “incident” to be uncovered. It took a few years for most of the world to figure out that 911 was a false flag. Now, however, false flag stories like the Malaysian airline shoot down are exposed within hours or minutes.

Most important of all, the US military is no longer allowing itself to be manipulated into war for the Nazionist oligarchs. Remember, the pentagon refused to bomb Syria and is refusing to attack Russia over the Ukraine. Message to the Feds: you are not going to get out of the trouble this time by starting another war.



David WilcockAnother excellent David comment/article.


Glad Ben caught the epic JP Morgan computer hack, temporarily blamed on Russia, and

the revealing statement from Kissinger expressing his regret about the crumbling of

the New World Order. These were two of the most significant events in this secret

war to have appeared last week.


Both of these show that moves are becoming increasingly high-level and desperate.

Everything we are seeing suggests this is all building up to some sort of epic



I encountered some hate comments about the work I have done recently, and the main

criticism seems to be “nothing has happened… David and his sources have been

thoroughly and totally discredited.”


Patience! Just because it hasn’t happened YET doesn’t mean it WON’T. Look at the

evidence. It is becoming increasingly obvious that this secret war is real, and is

building up to something big. Only so much can be done before it becomes openly

known to everyone.


                                 [DON’T BELIEVE US, GO TO THE MOVIES]

Anyone who still doesn’t believe there is an international alliance working to

defeat the New World Order, and that this alliance includes members of the US

military and intelligence community, really needs to watch Captain America.


If you combine this film with Ironman 3, both of which are part of the same Avengers

franchise, you can see that hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to tell

us the truth and prepare us for major changes ahead.


These films are being used to telegraph high-level arrests of the Cabal. It is

disclosure disguised as entertainment.


These films are also being used to prepare us for the fact that power must be used

to defeat power. We’re not going to blog away the problem with clicky keyboards.

Government agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, will need to act against other

agencies, such as the NSA. That’s what we are being prepared for.


It is utterly amazing that these films happened at all. I strongly suspect Stan Lee

has had a lot to do with it. We can almost be certain that he was contacted by

senior members of the US military who are involved with the Alliance, and who gave

him extensive briefings on what’s really going on.


Notice how Stan has completely distanced himself from the X-Men franchise, which has

blatant Illuminati imagery and propaganda in every film. The primary director of

this franchise has now been accused of pedophilia yet again, after the previous

accuser dropped his case since no lawyer had the stones to take it.


Now you have to combine that basic message of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism —

which should still be very relevant with the manufactured ISIS threat — with what we

are now seeing in Captain America.


I don’t want to spoil the plot, as you definitely should see it, but at the midpoint

of the film, about an hour into it, there is a mini-documentary that completely

exposes the New World Order — by name.


Scarlett Johansson says that Nazi scientists were brought to the US under “Operation

Paperclip”, which is true. We find out that SHIELD, an organization obviously

patterned around the NSA and government intel military apparatus, has been

infiltrated and compromised by a group of Nazi loyalists — called Hydra.


The Hydra logo is very close to Skull and Bones — a skull with octopus-like

tentacles underneath it that stylize a similar image as the Skull and Bones. All of

this is by design, not at all accidental.


During this same section we see a brief image of Julian Assange from Wikileaks — a

point that comes back later.


The term Hydra takes the “sting” and stigma out of a word like Illuminati, but it’s

literally the same thing. We hear that Hydra’s goal is for a “New World Order,” in

which anyone who resists them is killed, and they then can rule over a planet with

order instead of chaos.


As much as the truth community tends to want to distrust everyone, and suspect

everything, the simple fact is that power is needed to counteract power. Not

everyone is “in on it,” as I’ve been saying. This is a very real-world story in

which many people are waking up to what is going on, including within the agencies

themselves, and are saying “enough is enough.”


So what we’re seeing in Captain America is a 170 million-dollar disclosure film,

which has so far grossed 259 million domestic and 454 million internationally.




You will notice that despite the very obvious, in-your-face themes, highly relevant

to modern issues just like Ironman 3, not a word about it has been mentioned in the

controlled mainstream media.


This is the case despite the fact that Captain America is the second

largest-grossing film of the year, only being trumped by Guardians of the Galaxy.




Ironman 3 was the number-two movie of last year, beaten only by “The Hunger Games:

Catching Fire.” Interestingly, the Hunger Games film also predicts a revolutionary

uprising against a New World Order-type totalitarian dictatorship, with a surprising

twist at the end.




Seen together, Ironman 3 and Captain America: TWS are now the two biggest, most

compelling pieces of physical proof that what we have been talking about is real….


No, this is real, and as the Cabal infrastructure collapses, we will step into a

wonderful new reality much faster than people could have ever expected. By releasing

the six thousand classified patents, we will be entering into the real Space Age —

and things will take a remarkable turn for the better


David Wilcock





 A friend of mine just saw “Guardians of the Galaxy” and was blown away.

The visuals are spectacular and the film needs to be seen in 3D to be fully appreciated.

There are no overt signs of Cabal / satanic propaganda in the film. Instead it is a very positive story, opening us up more than ever before to the idea of humans and human-like intelligent life all throughout the galaxy, and the wars that are being fought outside of our awareness.

This therefore is very much a part of the disclosure process as well. It is quite amazing that the top two movies of the year are both Stan Lee films and that he very obviously has been clued in to what is really going by the alliance.

Remember — the top members of the alliance are well aware of how widespread human life is throughout the galaxy. They have worked with these people directly. There is a small minority of “bad guys” and a much greater majority of “good guys” out there.

Due to the “rules,” which are a little strange to understand for newcomers, the good guys can’t just flatten out the bad guys. The bad guys have to be allowed to do a certain amount — up to whatever level we have invited through our own free will. This is where personal decisions of how we treat others become votes, and add up to a mass consensus that must be honored.

At the same time, there is ample evidence that the good guys only allow these games to go on for so long, and then make absolutely decisive moves to end it. One example would be Sodom and Gomorrah and another example would be the great flood, and what is said in apocryphal books like the Book of Enoch about it.

Namely, human ETs came here, interbred with us, their children became giants, the giants became evil and cannibalistic, and a great flood was created to purge them from the earth while keeping the seed of humanity alive.

Noah symbolized the seed, but it was probably a lot bigger than one man — just like there were probably more than 200 “fallen angels” that interbred with us in the first place, as otherwise that would create such a small gene pool that genetic errors alone would have wiped them out.

Researchers like Jim Vieria have found over 1,500 professionally documented accounts of giant skeletons being found between the early 1800s and the mid-1920s. The skeletons have the elongated craniums we’ve been seeing more and more of. Over time their descendants apparently lost the height, perhaps through additional interbreeding or as an aftereffect of natural DNA-modifying energy fields from the planet, which I have extensively documented.

This is what has me passionate right now. It does appear that Cabal people know they are direct descendants of these “fallen angels” that were not Earth humans to begin with. They are also still angry about the great flood having wiped most of them out, and therefore see the good guys, i.e. ‘God,’ as evil for having done it.

Lots to think about here.

David Wilcock











Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
