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Nancy, with Twin Flame, Uriel

Divine OrderArchangel Ragueo: “Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion; and see underlying order.”


 Taking time to observe the pattern of all that is unfolding, we can behold wondrous divine order at any point in time!

Upon learning that the Republican Party had taken control of the US Congress, I felt a momentary surge of “Oh, no, they will never allow President Obama to do anything that will bring him favorable recognition”—which any number of very beneficial announcements waiting in the wings to be made will do. But, that moment was fleeting! I quickly realized that people used their vote to indicate their desire for major change from the status quo. The outer appearance of more gridlock and fighting may look bleak, but Divine Order is unfolding underneath the surface.

Although most would not call what they want NESARA, or even know the presently sequestered LAW exists, what they want is included in NESARA—The National Economic Security & Reformation Act.

I recently visited hundreds of congressional facebook pages during Paradigm Research’s ongoing campaign for a Congressional Hearing for Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence with us. Comments on these pages indicated a strong desire to return to the Constitution … the desire for more well paying jobs … to get rid of Obamacare … to clean up our planet.

Because many of the concerns Americans list have their roots in the covert actions that have taken place during our history, many are confused about who is responsible. For example: Do Americans know that unless they are over 100 yrs. old, they have never lived under the Constitution of the united states of America—meaning the Republic the Founding Fathers created. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Americans have lived under the Constitution for the Corporation of the USA. The announcement and enactment of NESARA will return America to the Constitution of the united states of America—the republic. http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/01/03/there-is-a-law-that-cares-about-you/

An end to the Truth Embargo regarding the presence of our Galactic Family’s presence with us will result in the releasing of 5000+ sequestered patents for very advanced technologies that can clean up our planet and transform for the better life as we know it on Planet Earth. Well paying jobs developing and using these technologies will be plentiful. With the end of the Federal Reserve (which is rumored to have already occurred), much about our lives will change. We are already beginning to attune to the marvels of natural healing and the natural means of healing conditions that have heretofore been devastating physical ailments, such as cancer.

The changes so many voted for during the 2014 mid-term election are and have been waiting for years behind closed doors to be announced and implemented. In order to give the restored American Republic a clean start, the entire Administration of whomever the President is when NESARA is announced will resign and an interim government will hold the reins until another election can be held around 120 days later. By that time, the American public will be much better educated as to what has taken place behind our backs for decades … corruption will have been removed (such as no more money-controlled campaigns and elections) … and Common Law restored. Many major changes are in the works, such as a new, more open and just economy (which is also rumored to be near announcement and implementation).

The 2014 Mid-term Elections may have been more about the people indicating a readiness for change than the Republican Party taking control of Congress. The freewill choices of the people for major changes very likely were actually giving permission for all the good that has been waiting for years—unknown to the vast majority of Americans—to take place.

If so, Americans will be wise to remember that a measure of chaos precedes creation of positive change. A battle between those controlling the world in corrupt ways and those who are striving to create a world that works for everyone has been raging for years, especially for the past two. In order for the corruption to come to an end, the corrupt ones have been offered a choice: surrender (resigning from a position of power is one form of surrender) or be arrested. Many have chosen to commit suicide instead. Others continue to resist losing control and will use any means possible to accomplish that goal.

It is along this line of removing the corruption that my intuitive feeling is that some of the pieces are being divinely moved into place. A comparative few are aware that Planet Earth is ascending to a higher dimension, where the energies will not, or cannot, support corruption. What we don’t know is how the removal of corruption will take place. Before December 21, 2012, many of us believed that our world would be magically transformed overnight. That has not happened and we are becoming aware that the people must be more actively involved in this transformation.

Several years ago, Geoffrey West, created his own alternative news show, Cosmic Vision News, which airs as a part of InLight Blog Talk Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio). Geoff has a bachelor’s degree in broadcasting and a master’s degree in peace education. The goal of his show is: “With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet. The newscast making disclosure official.” He is a talented journalist who regularly demonstrates his intuitive capacity to connect the dots—in what appear to be simply one unrelated event after another—into a bigger picture, then take it a step farther into the bigger picture. In other words, how does this event or individual fit into the bigger story of our planet? Listening to Geoff’s newscast leaves one with the feeling, “I understand our world a little better now.”

I grew up from an early age, during the 1940s, listening to radio news with my father and sitting around the wood stove in my uncle’s country store listening to the men discuss politics. On Sundays, when our large extended family gathered at an aunt’s home, everyone was silent during Paul Harvey’s newscast. We children knew to find a chair and sit quietly until his show was over. So I’ve heard a few reporters in my time! And now, listening to Geoff’s newscast, I recognize his amazing talent for giving depth to his reporting.

As a result, when Geoff sent me a copy of a dream he had this morning (11/9/14), I paid attention and resonated with it. First, my intuitive knowing is that once we become aware of our soul traveling while we sleep and conversing with beings on other dimensions (which we all do, but may not yet be aware of doing so), we no longer have the need for dreams. For this reason, I instantly felt Geoff was describing a prophetic vision of an event about to occur.

With Geoff’s permission, I would like to share excerpts from this vision—granted to a reporter with an established alternative news radio show and with the freedom to report the real news—no external control or censor over his news. I had written to Geoff about my intuitive feeling about the bigger picture behind the 2014 mid-term election results. I know Geoff to be very responsible in what he reports. He is never attempting to convince others of his own perspective.


The brackets represent my interpretation.]


It started out in what appeared and felt to be my hometown. The

significance of this, I believe, is meant to symbolize Earth, our home



I caught on to ‘neighbours’ (meaning people I knew), working on a plan to try to get people together and to remove them. I vaguely remember something about a plan to use very targeted ‘spraying patterns’ of chemtrails. (this may be both literal and figurative, as they are targeting very specific people.) I knew that I had to get away and to warn people about what was coming, but also to find a way to prevent the negative outcome, and create the positive outcome. Up to this point in the dream, there was still daylight. The sense that I got was that ‘something’ was going to unfold within a few days and I had to get out before that.

[Divine order unfolding = This past summer, a friend of Geoff’s living in Sweden, sent him frequent flyer miles to fly to Sweden for an extended stay (Geoff use to live in Sweden). My intuitive sense then was that Geoff returning to Sweden indicated the next step on his spiritual journey’s soul mission. Just two weeks ago (end of October/beginning of November 2014), Geoff flew back to Toronto to get more supplies for a longer period in Sweden. He returned to Sweden November 6, 2014.]

The dream seemed to shift, and I am with a number of people who also understood that something was going on. We are attempting to run away from what is coming. It is getting dark, and we are running through trails in a forest…. The dream seemed to shift, and I am with a number of people who also understood that something was going on. We are attempting to run away from what is coming.  I seem to recall the trail being a bit slippery, as there was a point when I started ‘surfing’, I was moving down this particular trail quite quickly without making much effort. It felt like being in a river; if I did not resist, I would be guided through the trail. At this point I was not physically running, but just ‘sliding’ my way through the trail.

[“If I did not resist, I would be guided … just sliding my way” = vision explaining how to react when feeling the need to run or resist in some form. Slide through the experience = stay calm.]

The next scene I recall is being in a more populated area. Word appears to be getting out that something is going on, and there are those who are taking the news in a negative manner and are starting to panic. I am seeing that there are some kind of officers, although I do not recall them having a specific identity as ‘police’ or ‘military’ and they were starting to check people and I think ‘guide’ them somewhere. This MAY be an indication of some attempt to implement a form of martial law, although I am not sure. In this dream context, it may simply mean an attempt is being made to control people and get them into a state of fear..but it MAY also symbolize a more physical form of control also. I am moving through a group of people as we approach one of these ‘officers’. This individual is attempting to move people in a certain direction, and attempts to do the same to me. I move around ‘him’ (the fact that this was a male probably means something also), and he looks at me. To settle him down, I tell him that I will return.

The next scene, I am entering a room somewhere. For some reason, it feels like this room is in a ‘food shopping’ store that has been converted for use in what is unfolding. ‘Food’ and ‘shopping’ feel significant in some way, so there may symbolism for why this was chosen. To take a guess, there are perhaps 30-40 people in this room. 

[Food shopping store converted for use in what is unfolding = the white hats have planned for food stations during this transition period for all those who were unable to prepare for an emergency. Americans have been instructed numerous times to keep extra food and cash on hand in case of weather related emergences.]

I find a group of people inside, showing varying degrees of confusion and fear. I say to everyone, without trying to arouse too much fear: “Are there any people here who are more ‘rebellious’ in nature? If I took a guess, I might say that just under half of the people, maybe ten to fifteen, put up their hands, and I ask them to come to a corner in the room. I start to explain what needs to be done, but then I stop. I back up, and say: “Folks, we are in the final quarter of the ball game.” I think this got the attention of others around us who were not in the group. Their attention and interest was beginning to move in our direction. I said to them: “First, how many of you understand what is now happening and why?” A few hands go up. I think I was about to explain what was going on. I woke up as I was trying to explain what was going on and why, without going into TOO much detail of the spiritual meaning of it all, but trying to focus first on what people were physically seeing and experiencing. The feeling that I got was that I was about to guide them through what was going on, but we had to do it together, and that we had to do it as peacefully as possible. The feeling I got was a strong sense of urgency..the ‘last quarter of the ball game’. I am wondering why my mind chose ‘fourth quarter’ (meaning North American football), as opposed to ‘the third period’ (hockey) or ‘the bottom of the ninth inning’ (baseball). There is no doubt some symbolism in this also.

[American football – 4th quarter = competition to win that often involves injuries or some violence between players or the crowd. 4th quarter is the last chance each team (the cabal or the White Hats) have to win, so they are pulling out all the stops.]

The fact that I told the officer that I would return, may also be significant for the collective whole, as now there were people coming together, to get more informed, and learn how to deal with all that was happening. This is the first time I recall having had a dream of this nature, and could remember so much of it. Here is also something somewhat interesting to note: Since arriving in Sweden. There have been a few chickadees that have flown very close to the window where I am working on the computer. As they have seen me, they fly away, but seem to come back, as though trying to figure out who I am. As I was writing this, another chickadee came very close to the window and then flew to a branch. I put out a few breadcrumbs on the ledge of the window, and the chickadee came back (so far six times) to pick up pieces of the breadcrumbs.I wondered what the symbolism of the chickadee might mean, so I looked it up. One possible interpretation was this: ” Chickadees are viewed very positively in many Native American cultures. In Cherokee mythology Chickadee is associated with truth and knowledge, and the arrival of a chickadee is thought to warn of danger or foretell the future. In many Plains Indian tribes, chickadees are symbols of success, and it is considered good luck to see or hear one, particularly in a dream or vision. “ 

[The chickadee returned to get breadcrumbs 6 times. The number 6 carries the vibration of Love. During biblical times at least, being invited to eat with someone was a sign of friendship … enemies did not eat together. There is indication that loving friendship is also present in the scenario.]

So, in alignment with the dream, the chickadee MAY be foretelling some significant ‘events’, but as long as we hold a positive vision, the truth will be revealed, and may indicate success moving forward in global change. So, again, if I am on track, and I believe I am, this dream indicates that we are extremely close to some significant events that are going to create either fear, or empowerment to resist and change for the positive, depending upon the ‘path’ we take through this shadow of darkness. If we avoid resisting the changes, we will be guided through them and led to the people/sources/information that can move us forward in our service, while connecting us to other people who can assist, while also having an influence on those around us in a positive way. 

[There are some astrological indications that November may have some upheavals. I can’t elaborate because I did not study transits. Some good aspects indicate that things may not be as traumatic as they appear. I agree with Geoff that if people avoid resisting the changes and refuse to cling to “old beliefs and habits, the changes will be much easier—we may even “slide” into them. Clinging to party affiliations could create much more upheaval than is necessary. Do Americans know that the Republic’s Constitution does NOT mention political parties?

On the other hand, The Bankers Manifest of 1891 determined them to be desired avenues of separation: “History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.

The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.

By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd.” (http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/manifesto.htm) To cling to party affiliation is to cling to one of the cabal’s means of controlling/enslaving Americans.]


Geoff is even back in Sweden, where no one will attempt to storm into his broadcasting location, if he has an opportunity to broadcast!



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