Home » Congressional Hearing Initiative » The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is ‘Off-world’ in origin

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“The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is ‘Off-world’ in origin,” according to researchers at the Human Genome Project. Genesis 6 reveals the sons of God married and had children by the daughters of man. The witnesses testifying at the 2013 Citizen Hearing told of interactions with UFOs. There’s a mystery involving you and me that we have a right to know. Senators and Representatives, please view the set of DVDs sent to your staff by Paradigm Research and schedule a Congressional Hearing for Disclosure and end to the Truth Embargo. American citizens, you may listen to samples of the DVDs at: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/11/07/citizen-hearing-for-disclosure-of-extraterrestrial-presence-with-us-2013-videos/ Please encourage your Congresspersons to schedule a Hearing for Disclosure.



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