Home » John Smallman » Hearts were made to be filled with Love. 06/22/2015 by John Smallman

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NOTE BY NANCY: A most profound and timely message!


Hearts were made to be filled with Love.

06/22/2015 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Monday June 22nd.

All your blocks are coming up for release, that is why you keep experiencing them.  It is frustrating for you, it tends to get you thinking that you are, as some of you might put it, “a waste of space,” not good enough, as you observe all those seemingly well-balanced individuals living normal productive and satisfying lives.  Nothing could be further from the truth – NO ONE is a waste of space, although some may appear to be wasting time, wasting their lives – nothing anyone does is wasted, there is always a lesson to be learned, and it is always learned, if not in that moment, then eventually.

So, give yourself a break, as many as you feel like, because that is generally what you need.  When you resist taking a break, when you fight the urge, you avoid the opportunity to experience something that has been buried or denied that needs to surface, be seen and be experienced, then it can be happily and easily released.  That’s what blocks are, a call to allow something deep seated to emerge and be healed and released.  But most of you have been well-trained to bury, deny, or fight them.  Allowing them to take time to surface is not procrastinating, it is essential inner work, but when you judge yourselves you slow down or stop the process, and then it may seem that you are procrastinating.

Fighting does not work, only love works!  How often do you have to be told that?  You attempt to love others while condemning and blaming yourselves, and it cannot work because when you refuse to love yourselves you shut Love out of your lives.  Love is your natural state, you need It.  Shutting It out exhausts you leaving you fearful, angry, and resentful, then you project those negative feelings on to others in order to feel better, but that only makes you feel worse.

READ MORE: https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/hearts-were-made-to-be-filled-with-love/




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