Home » Cosmic Vision News » COSMIC VISION NEWS -JUNE 24, 2016

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Tonight, I found Geoff’s FINAL WORD to be particularly revealing.  People in the Western World love to think in terms of being free and will give their lives believing they do so in order for their country to remain free.  Sadly many Western people DO NOT KNOW THEY ARE SLAVES.  In the lamenting words of Harriet Tubman: 

harruet-tubman-51The same is true today.  People in the Western World go to bed as the slaves they  truly are and dream they are free.  When will they wake up and know that they are SLAVES?  When will the Western Slaves wake up and want freedom?



“People of Canada, the US, the UK and basically of all western countries at least are under the mass illusion and delusion that they live in freedom.

Case and point:
You can’t build a house without permission from the government.
You can’t eat food without permission from the government.
You can’t drive a car without permission from the government.
You can’t own a gun without permission from the government.
You can’t go fishing without permission from the government.
You can’t get married without permission from the government.
You can’t work without permission from the government.
You can’t leave the country without permission from the government.
You can’t start a business without permission from the government.
You can’t fly on a commercial plane without permission from the government.
You can’t get a bank loan without permission from the government.
You can’t take drugs without permission from the government.

Shall I continue?

A government can impose taxes without seeking informed consent.
A government can spend money wastefully on ‘research’, ‘impact-studies’ and legal work for lower-priority projects without informed consent.
A government can send middle and lower class children to kill, harm or be harmed or killed in unlawful wars started by bankers.
A government can legalize and enforce dangerous foods, water, air, chemicals and vaccines without informed consent.
Governments and unlawful law enforcement agents and agencies can impose a criminally fraudulent system of commercial law upon people and arrest any who question it, without informed consent.
Banks can fraudulently create money out of thin air, risking nothing, while claiming a right to foreclose when people cannot pay, without informed consent.
As we heard in the health story moments ago..one cannot even choose to DIE without permission of the government.

The irony is that the government is comprised of people elected by those very same people living under the illusion and delusion of freedom.

Yet, the government, again being elected by the people, continues to pass commercial legislation without the informed and democratic consent of the people.

Poverty is more than just a symptom of fraudulent banking system that exists on debt that is mathematically impossible to repay. It is an intentionally-created tool for the purposes of keeping people in debt, in fear, in separation and therefore under control.

Democracy, is merely the illusion that allows one to believe that one has the power in so-called ‘freedom’, and yet it is also the very same tool by which one gives one’s uninformed consent to being a slave to commercial rules given the force of law….”




Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
