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The Restored Republic Becomes a Reality with the Inauguration of President Donald Trump

Reported by Scott Mowry – January 18, 2017 | UPDATED: January 20, 2017


It has been a long, hard-fought battle, yet here we stand on the doorstep of our Restored American Republic –– the Constitutional Republic originally envisioned by our great Founding Fathers during America’s War for Independence, beginning all the way back in the year 1776. Thank God, we have made it. Yet again!
> Donald Trump – President of the Restored Republic

Yes, the Second Great American Revolution is happening.

The amount of disinformation and distraction at this late stage of the game in the month of January 2017 has reached an all-time high. It was to be expected given the intensity of the energy and transformation pouring into our 3D/4D reality experience at this time on planet Earth.
> High level sources have indicated in the Fall 2016, we eventually would reach a point where the disinformation would become so intense, and so overwhelming, it would thus become a clear sign the tide was turning permanently towards the light. It would appear we have arrived at that time now.

Therefore, we would like to address the voluminous amount of disinformation associated with President-Elect Donald J. Trump, who was sworn in as the 45th President on January 20, 2017. The information presented below has been culled from several high-level sources along with published alternative and mainstream news reports as noted.
> Here is what we can report to you thus far.


READ MORE:  http://miraclesandinspiration.com/news_the-restored-republic-becomes-a-reality-with-the-inauguration-of-president-donald-j-trump.html


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