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Nancy Detweiler

How Great thou art


  Daniel O’Donnell, from Ireland, is one of my favorite singers.  He is such a kind man and has done so much to help Public Television.

 Tonight PBS aired a concert given by Daniel in Iowa to an auditorium filled with senior citizens.  I’m sure many seniors were watching at home too.  We laughed as he sang several Elvis Pressley songs and attempted to imitate some of Elvis’ movements. 

 We remembered …..….. I was around 16 when a young Elvis came to High Point, N.C. and gave a concert in one of the movie theaters.  Of course we girls screamed with delight!  He was only about 20 feet away in that rather small theater.   A treat for a lifetime …………..!

 Throughout Daniel’s concert, he sang the old, familiar songs and invited the audience to sing with him.  He had an auditorium of the elderly standing, clapping with him, singing with him, swinging their arms in the air.  Huge smiles everywhere … husbands and wives, who have likely spent decades together, holding hands and singing. 

 Tears flowed as I remembered all the years …. all the songs …. all the life experiences associated with the songs that I use to memorize.  Tears flowed because this dear man could so lovingly give a concert to the elderly and truly enjoy doing so.  It was a sacred experience … a feeling of Oneness with all—a feeling of benediction.

 As Daniel closed the concert with “How Great Thou Art,” I was 18 again … attending Orientation week at Mars Hill Junior College in my beloved mountains.  That night, almost a lifetime ago, a huge globe hung from the ceiling of the cafeteria … it was spinning slowly revealing all the continents … the room was dark … the spotlight lit only the globe—our planet.

 We closed our Orientation Week by singing “How Great Thou Art” as we watched our planet spin … reminding us of all people of the world.  We were dedicating our lives to the planet … to God … to all people.

 In 1956, I stood with a room full of 18 year olds.  We were eagerly stepping out into the world, embarking on our soul missions for this lifetime.

 Tonight, I sat in my home sharing with Daniel and an auditorium of senior citizens.  We have lived our lives … we have loved and been loved … made our contributions to the world … and now look forward to new, exciting adventures on higher dimensions of God’s glorious creation!

 In 2013, our planet is experiencing tremendous changes in every area of our lives.  We are ascending to a higher consciousness of our Oneness with All That Is … to knowing that LOVE is the most powerful force in the Universe … to comprehending that We Are One Family Of Mother/Father God.

  As youth and as the elderly, we sang “How Great Thou Art!” 

 Wow!  What a benediction!

Daniel O’Donnell sings “How Great Thou Art”





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