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Your guilt-ridden beliefs never made any sense, but you chose to believe in them anyhow

06/23/2013 by John Smallman

Humanity’s forthcoming awakening can be likened to an enormous wave cresting and breaking – a tremendous power (the ocean of Love) peaking and then spreading out in all directions encompassing all, and leaving no one feeling unloved, unaffected, or unchanged.  It will be a moment of unimaginable exhilaration as awareness dawns, through the directly felt experience, of being infinitely and eternally loved by God, our Father, and of the impossibility of being anything less than a perfect child of God, an essential and inseparable part or aspect of God in Whom the whole of creation has its eternal existence.  All sense of a separate form of individuality that is not one with God will be gone, and all the fear, the anxiety, and any sense of not being good enough or deserving enough will also be gone as you fully grasp and see, seemingly for the very first time, the wonder and the magnificence of the being that God created as You!

Let go of your fears and allow Love to fill you to overflowing.  It surrounds you in every moment just waiting for you to accept It and invite It in.  You are not, and never can be, alone, lost, or abandoned because you exist permanently within the field of God’s unfailing and eternal Love.  Within the illusion it is extremely difficult for you to maintain your belief in that unalterable truth for more than a moment or two at a time before all your doubts and fears come rolling in, wrapped in a cloak of skepticism as you once more begin to doubt the existence of God.  You have done a very good job of hiding Reality from your view, and you have great difficulty in acknowledging and believing in what you cannot see. That is all to change because the power of God’s Love for you is insisting that you open your eyes to the brilliant Light in which It is bathing you, and thus awaken.  You will be unable to resist Its loving calls to you for very much longer because It is everything that your hearts desire.

To live consciously in the Presence of God is all that a heart desires, but the illusion that you built, because of its less-than-totally friendly nature, has encouraged you to see yourselves as small, insignificant beings with a very limited life span adrift in a vast and dangerous universe – a universe that could bring catastrophic disaster on you at any moment, snuffing out your lives for ever. Consequently, apprehension and fear provide a background sense of insecurity which you attempted to alleviate in eras past by inventing powerful gods (super-human-type heroes) to whom you paid obeisance and offered sacrifices.  In recent times you have studied science and attempted to come to terms with and take precautions against any physical harm that the Earth environment might deliver.  Whenever your scientific knowledge provides a means of combating one threat, a new one seems instantly to replace it.  And you have earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, forest fires, and a multitude of illnesses and accidents which keep that background sense of insecurity justifiably alive and well.

The divine Flame of Love burning eternally within each one of you has kept you from accepting and maintaining a sense of utter hopelessness as you observe the seemingly impossible odds against humanity’s continuing survival on Earth.  It is an inextinguishable spark of hope placed within you for your safety and protection so that you could not fall into a sleep of despair from which you might refuse to awaken.  While you have hope, you continue to seek out resolutions to humanity’s problems and therefore you keep your minds open enough to let the divine Love field flow through you, keeping your own personal Flame constantly burning.  Falling in love even for a very short time stimulates It, reminding you that there must be much more to life than the constant and unending struggle just to stay alive.  You seek meaning of a spiritual nature, and It burns brighter. You have discovered that there is a meaningful way forward, but have difficulty choosing a meaningful path.  There appear to be so many, and most demand a belief in some kind of dogma or set of rules – religious, political, cultural – or just total loyalty to one who has set himself up as an intermediary between his followers and God.

The time for those kinds of guilt-ridden beliefs and their resultant paths of suffering and sacrifice are now well and truly over.  They never made any sense, but you chose to believe in them anyhow.  Now the power of Love enveloping you and the planet is dissolving the belief that you need a more holy, spiritual, or advanced human to intercede for you and to mediate between you and your Father, God.  You have collectively realized that your Father wants each one of you to speak to Him directly and experience the Love in which He holds you at all times.  Here in the spiritual realms we are always offering our support and attempting to remind you how dearly your Father loves each one of you.  The Love that envelops you is irresistible and you are becoming aware of that and turning towards It in ever greater numbers.  Know, as we know, and as you do deep within your hearts, that God’s Love for you is unending, as is His patience as He awaits your awakening which you cannot avoid for very much longer.

With so very much love, Saul.


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