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“In the very next moment as Earth Citizens end all wars, destroy all nukes and welcome the Galactics back to Earth then Divine Government with a new Economic System slide right into place for all on Earth. What can we expect then?”

NOTE BY NANCY:  I asked permission to post a portion of a longer message from Ashtar channeled through Elizabeth Trutwin.  As we watch the old collapse and fade away, a view of our future serves as a source of encouragement, excitement, and knowledge that our lives are about to become far more loving, peaceful, and abundant.  You may read the entire article at:




“Free Energy, Replicators and Healing Machines. These will be top priority. Homes for the Homeless, Clean Water and Communication Technologies. Shuttle Craft to fly to the Light Cities. There will be little boxes, the size of a shoe box which will be able to power your entire house for free. These are manufactured and available and will be given out free to everyone. Taking Free Energy will not be mandatory. All of the old appliances and different forms of energy will be supported. Whatever appliances you have today will work with the little boxes. Immediately you will have free heat, electricity, hot water, phones, television broadcasting and internet. Free for All. Replicators will be given out free. These will be able to replicate healthy food. Free Food. Immediately. You may replicate any food or dish you desire. Our technologies will be able to clear all the pollution in every Body of Water on Earth. Water supplies will be made ready where there is none. We have the power, Ships, supplies and people already in place to carry out these missions immediately. A network of communication is already in place and will be activated immediately. Everyone on Earth, no matter where they are or their mode of communication will receive all updates equally around the world. Some Countries have never had internet until very recently and this was brought in on purpose to be ready for changeover. Shuttle Craft are available for distribution immediately. These will be used to attend gatherings in the Light Cities. Also they will be used to leave Earth and visit various places. More information to follow. As these minor details are worked out we are able to move on to the Real World.

Love and Truth aligned Consciousness will permeate every cell on Earth. Grace is revealed. Having surrendered everything you knew before, I present to you the Real World. I invite you to Celebrate every moment of your life with childlike wonder. Enter your Shuttle Craft. Input into the GPS onboard your destination. I invite you to visit us at our Space Stations which float within Earth’s atmosphere. These Space Stations have been here all along. In this present era they were not revealed to you. Galactic Crew move through these Stations like a train station. Crew come into the Stations to make connections with other Crews. Lodging, Meeting Places, Holiday Accommodations and Administration for the Galactic Federation are found here. You are a part of the Crew. You are welcome anytime. I invite you to visit us in the Light Cities which will be hovering just above Earth. Here you will find your mentors, heal psychological and health issues. You will have training for the new technology. You will have connections with like minded people all over the world. You will have access to rest and relaxation on levels you cannot now comprehend. You will reconnect with light and sound frequencies through many different medium. Earth Citizens will begin to contemplate their Next Mission. Until the healings are completed the Missions cannot be comprehended.


Reunions. Every person on Earth will receive two or three mentors to help make sense of the changes. Each person’s mentors will be someone they have known before. Some have prepared to be reunited with their Twin Flames immediately. Others will be met with family members or friends who had passed on and have rehabilitated, ascended and returned for reunions to act as mentors. There is no need to have anxiety about meeting with your Twin Flame or other Mentors. Everything is designed to be comfortable for you on every level. You will understand as it unfolds. There will be two or three mentors for every person on Earth. There are billions of Galactics standing by from the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds who have been preparing for this moment for a very long time. All of the support which will be needed to slide into change will be here living on Earth.


Some Earth Citizens will feel the best way to heal is a visit to their Home. These Holidays off Earth will be granted. You will be welcomed to Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Ceres, Vesta, Mars, Moon, Alpha Centari, Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and so many other places. Each of these places is very different and known for their specialty. There are as many reasons to visit as people wanting to go. After a short visit you will return to your duties on Earth involving establishing Divine Government and beginning New Earth. Holodecks will be available in the Light Cities. The Holodecks are a space a person enters which is programmed by a computer to virtually become anything. You may visit the beach, the mountains, an iceberg, a desert. Holograms may be programmed with any virtual experience where One may visit Home for a few hours without traveling there. There will be plenty of time made for rest and relaxation. This will be made available to anyone requesting it. Along with these healings and mentoring activities will be planning meetings for your New Mission. You will be Called to Duty to share your gifts and talents in building New Earth. It is about to become more fun. Some other activities we will all enjoy together will be cultural exchanges on Earth and off Planet. Also we will be welcoming many new species to Earth, both humanoid and those of the magical kind. Animals which have been extinct thousands of years will be reintroduced to Earth in the right conditions.


The Great Teachers of Earth will be returning to help with this Earth Ascension Mission. Some who left Earth eons ago have been invited back to Guide and Serve. When they show up they will be wearing the garb of their culture and time on Earth. They will look like they did then. These are the Avatara forms of Great Teachers and they will be together at the same time living on Earth. It will take all these Great Beings to accomplish all the changes to Earth. They are excited to return and do their Service on Earth. You will be seeing the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Far Asian, Hyperborean, Pangean, Celtic, Near Asian ancient Gods represented. All will be Ascended Masters here to integrate the Highest Teachings into the new economic system and Divine Government. There will be much to learn. It is a great honor to work with these Beings.


Inner Earth dwellers will join surface Earth Citizens and invite them to their Cities at Inner Earth. There are Paths leading home to Inner Earth. Guides will take you into their cities there and host you for cultural exchanges. Inner and Outer Earth will become One in their Mission and all will be free travel between the two as has always been meant to be.”



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
