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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


I find this article extremely disturbing:  http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/11/03/242301642/to-stave-off-decline-churches-attract-new-members-with-beer?utm_content=socialflow&utm_campaign=nprfacebook&utm_source=npr&utm_medium=facebook

Why?  For numerous reasons really, but especially because Christianity does not know the true make up of human beings.  For the Christian, he/she is simply the physical body with only one life to live.

Mention to a Christian that he/she is a multi-dimensional being and most will immediately shut down with, “that’s too New Age for me.”  “New Age” is a filthy word to be avoided.  A pastoral care seminary professor told our class, “I don’t want to see any self help books in this class.  Christianity renders Christians impudent when it comes to learning about who they really are.  Basically, they are taught only that they are sinners  and that Jesus’ death on the cross is all they need in order to gain salvation from an eternity in hell.

Holding to this naive doctrine, some churches are now attempting to attract new members by holding services in pubs, while the attendees drink beer.

If people want to drink alcoholic beverages, that is their freewill choice.  We are each responsible for the choices we make and for their repercussions.  But, for a church to naively take on this responsibility is ignorance personified.  The church knows nothing of the true make up of human beings.  This practice actually appears to be the opposite of the 12 step program for recovering from alcoholism.

I understand that a limit of two beers is the rule during a church service.  But, the church has no way to control what people do outside the service—what type of behavior is finding birth with those two beers?  What about the individual who easily becomes drunk, then while driving home from the service has an accident, perhaps killing self or someone else?

Because Christianity teaches nothing about the true make up of human beings, seminary professors, ministers, and congregants do not know they are multi-dimensional beings.  Words like chakras and auras are New Age words to be avoided, even though we now live in the New Aquarian Age.  In its ignorance, the church is introducing potential new members to possibly damaging behavior due to its desperation over dwindling membership.

Let’s look at the impact of alcoholic beverages on our aura and chakras.  First, excerpts from an article by Elsie Bou Matham at :


Our energy systems surround us, envelop us completely and vibrate around us connecting us to everything in this world. Their vibrations protect us from negativity, and keep us resonating on the frequency of universal well-being.

Just like our physical body, our energetic bodies can be affected and disturbed by many factors that cause a distortion in our electro-magnetic field and can easily transfer this discomfort to the mental, emotional and physical levels. One of these factors is alcohol abuse.

We all enjoy a couple of drinks in good company, a few toasts on happy occasions, but it is essential to know when to stop. The effects of overdrinking on our energetic systems are usually the following:

 · Lack of synchronization between the chakras and meridians. This might cause serious difficulties on the physical level leading to imbalanced thinking, swinging mood and behavior.

 · Weakening the aura that forms a protective shield around our bodies, which leaves us vulnerable to negative energy, thought forms and psychic hooks. Negative energies from other people also, might easily slip into the aura and cause fatigue and depression.

· Blocking the meridians. The meridians are like energy canals that help the vital energy to reach our body parts and organs. Blocking their paths will cause possible damage to the normal functioning of these organs.

Many theories claim that abusive alcohol intake will leave a person so weak and unprotected, that certain energy forms or astral entities will slip into their space and influence their thoughts and behavior. Middle Eastern alchemists believed that what is ingested affects the person on all levels, and came up with the term “Spirit” to define alcohol substances.

(To regularly be present within a pub exposes individuals to the negative energies that are attracted there.  Torn auras are exposed to negative entities that are earth-bound and seeking outlets for their unsatisfied urges.  These entities can attach to the individual’s etheric body.  Demon possession is possible. –insert by Nancy)

In many cultures alcohol was used for communication between the physical world, the spirits and the deities that reside in the Other World, especially in shamanic traditions. Many of them use alcohol based substances to help the shamans connect to the spirit world; induce clairvoyance, and perform healings in trance. Many spiritual teachers caution today that abusing alcohol opens up our bodies to energetic entities or “spirits” that will interfere and influence any person’s identity.

 Many researches on the aura with Kirlian photography have been conducted to define and locate the changes in the auric field after alcohol intake. It clearly shows a change in color after the aura suddenly turns Red and a distortion in its shape while having the third glass of wine.”


Read a portion of an article at: http://www.mkprojects.com/fa_CleansingAndEnergizing.htm

Auras, Chakras and Energy Fields: Cleansing and Activating Your Energy Systems

By Mary Kurus

Why Look After Our Energy Systems

Our energy systems are alive and intelligent. They know exactly what they need for perfect health and vibrant energy. When our energy systems are disrupted, blocked, slowed down, or damaged, messages are sent to the conscious level that something is wrong and that we need to address imbalances, blockages and damage. We are trained to look at the physical body and address its needs rather than look at our energetic systems to provide them what they need for perfect health. Our energy systems are conscious energy and this energy is connected with all energies in the Universe. Our energy systems act as a connection between the physical world and the metaphysical or spiritual world. When we look after our energy systems we look after our deepest and most profound needs, including the physical, emotional intellectual and spiritual. 

About Auras, Chakras, Meridians

Auras: An aura is an energy field that surrounds, penetrates and extends out beyond the physical body, that is electromagnetic, electric and magnetic and is made up of varying types of live and intelligent vibrations or frequencies. An aura surrounds not only every living thing including humans, animals and plants, but also every inanimate thing such as rocks, all objects made by man, and the earth, sun, moon, and all planets in our Universe. The human aura has layers of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements.

Auras contain all the primary colors of the rainbow at any given time and change color depending on the emotion an individual is experiencing. Our auras are made up of may colors and many shades of colors that are constantly changing. This reflects the constant change in our thoughts and emotions.

Happy and loving thoughts expand your aura while sad or angry thoughts contract your aura. Aura sizes adjust depending on the density of the population where you live. Residents of New York City have tighter and smaller auras in comparison to residents living in rural Vermont. A dowser can easily tell you many of the physical qualities of your aura.

As part of a Vibrational Assessment (see my Website at www.mkprojects.com for detailed information) I provide readings on the degree of blockages in auras and the degree of functioning of your 7 main chakras. I also identify if the chakras are distorted or if the auras have holes in them. This type of information is essential for ongoing vibrant health.

Chakras: Chakras are spinning wheels of electric energy of different colors that perform many functions connecting our energy fields, bodies and the broader Cosmic Energy Field. Chakras are directly connected to and govern the endocrine system that in turn regulates the aging process.

The chakras are linking mechanisms between the auric field and the meridian system within the physical body and different levels of the auric fields and cosmic forces. They affect the flow of energy into the physical body. They absorb primary energy from the atmosphere (called chi, prana, orgone) and send it along energy channels. Chakras are energy transformers.

Our bodies contain seven major chakras or energy centers and 122 minor chakras. The major chakras are located at the base of the spine (Root Chakra), at the navel (Sacral Chakra), in the solar plexus (Solar Plexus Chakra), within your heart (Heart Chakra), within the throat (Throat Chakra), at the center of your forehead (Brow or Third Eye Chakra), and at the top of your head (Crown Chakra). These chakras are linked together.

The Entire Energy System – Within, Around and Penetrating Us: 

Our energy systems surrounds us, are inside of us, and penetrates us completely. This includes the light body, which extends beyond our auras and I believe is the very essence of us that goes on forever, our auras that surround us and penetrate our physical bodies, the meridian system, a system of energy channels within us through which all energy moves throughout our body, as well as the chakras, the energy transformers changing and processing live giving prana within us. The issues and care which I describe for auras and chakras, applies to the entire energetic system within, around, and penetrating us.

Potential Aura, Chakra and Meridian System Issues

There are many issues that can affect the functioning of our auras, chakras, and meridian systems leading to a variety of health problems. The following are a number of key potential issues.

I. Blockages can be caused by any of the following: emotions that have not been felt and released; negative thought forms from others; psychic attack energy or negative energy from energetic spells; entities or spirits lodged in our auras or chakras; chemical, metal and atomic toxins; other types of poisons or toxins; past life memories or experiences. 

II. Distorted auras and chakras can be caused by any of the issues identified under blockages; 

III. Holes in the auras can be caused by any of the issues identified under blockages; 

IV. Lack of synchronization between the auras, chakras, and meridian system can create serious difficulty. Physical issues, emotional issues, intellectual imbalances or spiritual issues can create imbalances in various parts of the auras, chakras and meridian system. These imbalances affect the specific aura or chakra that in turn affects other parts of the energetic system. Nature always tries to achieve perfect balance and these imbalances create a real disharmony in our energetic systems. This can create unbalanced thinking, feeling and behavior. 

V. Negative connections and rays can become attached to our auras. These are a result of negative emotions, drug and alcohol use, psychic attacks or spells, other intelligent being in the Cosmic World, environmental pollution, lack of nature i.e. trees, plants and flowing water. Negativity in thought and behavior in individuals, communities, draws negative forc es to us from the broader Universe. These connections, rays and energies can have a real negative effect on our vitality and energy. 

VI. Energetic and chemical markings can be left by other dimensional beings in our auras and brains so that these energetic beings can find and track us. Constant interference by other dimensional beings can seriously affect our vitality and health. 

VII. Negative energy programs can be sent into an individual by other human beings. These programs establish connections so that ongoing negative energy can be run into an individual. This can have a serious effect on our entire energy system and inner vitality. 

VIII. Negative energy can easily flip from one individual’s aura into your aura. Energy is alive, moves around, and you can eventually become quite affected by the negative energy of those around you, in your homes, offices or stores. 

IX. Imbalances can be created by earth energies especially the intersecting points of the Hartman and Curry grids and underground running water. 

X. Underactive or overactive chakras can create a variety of issues. Underactive chakras can translate into fatigue, lethargy, weight problems, just a slow attitude towards life or a lack of zest for living. Overactive chakras create other types of problems including hyperactivity, panic attacks, emotional imbalances, and many types of health issues in the physical body.

Major Effects of Negative Energies

There can be so many different effects from energetic issues. The following is a limited listing of certain major potential effects.

I. Fatigue 

II. Lacking vitality or a zest for life 

III. Negative or distorted thinking 

IV. Negative, unbalanced or distorted emotions 

V. Negative, unbalanced or distorted behavior 

VI. Feeling disconnected from other human beings

VII. Feeling disconnected from the Creator or whatever we choose to call our Higher Power 

VIII. Feeling disconnected from nature 

IX. Panic attacks that can be caused by a vulnerability caused by holes in our auras 

X. A compromised energy system leads to many types of physical illnesses.




The above website may be more than the beginner can comprehend, but it is the source of the picture.

You may read TWO lessons that I provide on my website to assist in learning about the chakras, aura, and the necessity of holistic spiritual growth.


My internet ministry is Bridging the Gap Ministries.  I established my website in order to assist Christians in bridging the gap between orthodox Christianity and the deeper spirituality and knowledge of self that is now emerging in the New Age.  My Way of Love Blog also contains information that is increasingly being revealed.



Churches are being vacated because seminaries/ministers/congregants have refused to allow a vibrant spiritual growth and increased knowledge of self and our world to take place.  The Bible has been the story of our soul’s journey through the 3rd dimensional plane of duality.  It ends with a New Earth and a New Heaven and will not be a sacred text as we achieve full consciousness and ascend to the 4th and higher dimensions.

People yearn for a spiritual community, but are sick of the same old Christian tenets.  Turning to a pub and beer for new members holds the potential to be very destructive behavior.

Why not turn to the exciting adventure of getting to know God, our cosmos, and ourselves much better?!

You can find my interpretation of the biblical book of Job on my website.  It will be a good place to start and is free.


My Jesus As A Wayshower series:  http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/bible.html


 The major events in Jesus’ life reveal the pathway to ascension to higher consciousness may also be a helpful beginning:






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When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
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