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A Podcast by Mark Passio


My heart took a leap when I saw this podcast because I have been writing about seeking balance by bringing the negative into the Light and creating positive solutions to the problems in our world.  At one point in my life, I taught a three day workshop entitled “The Whole Mind Approach to Business” in which I taught businesspersons how to use their intuitive powers to make business decisions.  They, unlike the “New Age” Movement were accustomed to using only their intellectual powers and taking action in a very masculine manner.  Whereas the “New Age” Movement suppresses the Divine Masculine, the traditional business community suppresses the Divine Feminine.

This fact was brought home to me in 2004 during the time I worked on two presidential campaigns—both candidates were peace candidates—Dennis Kucinich and then, when Kucinich dropped out—due  to lack of support—John Joseph Kennedy.  I found that the “New Age” Community loves singing “Let There Be On Earth” whenever they meet together … many even shed tears of longing for peace … but very few get involved actively (hands and feet active) working for peace.  These loving, good people are thoroughly convinced that simply BEING PEACE will bring peace to our world.  “Peace begins with my own inner peace” was a phrase I heard many times.  It sounds beautiful, so who can deny it?

The tricky part of this scenario is that:  Yes, peace does begin with our own inner peace—that’s the feminine expression of peace.  But, the other half—the masculine expression of peace—requires peaceful actions that create peace among others. 

During those two campaigns, I watched as the peace candidates were ignored by the press, by TV, and even, particularly in the case of Dennis Kucinich, made the brunt of jokes because of his short physical statue.  I witnessed, first hand, how lack of support among the millions of “New Agers” actually created barriers to having a peace candidate win.  Unknowingly, the “New Age” Community succeeded in preventing what could potentially have been positive solutions to our problem-burdened world. 

Dennis Kucinich spent years in the US House of Representatives putting forth legislation that would create a cabinet level Dept. of Peace.  His bill was repeatedly sent to Committee where it remained; it was never brought to the floor for a vote.  Where was the “New Age” Community when their support for this bill was needed?  I would be willing to bet that very few even knew Kucinich or the bill existed.   They were, likely unknowingly, suppressing their Divine Masculine.

“New Agers” sing about peace … meditate on world peace … and seek to be peaceful within themselves, but fail to integrate the Divine Masculine quality of taking hands and feet positive action.

My heart leaped when I saw Mark Passio’s podcast because here is a male presenting his thoughts on the suppression of the Divine Masculine.  Heretofore, most speakers I know have sought to assist in bringing forth the Divine Feminine (based on the gender inequity within our planetary society).  The problem is that in our efforts to become balanced, we have unintentionally become unbalanced.

Don’t get me wrong!  The unchangeable cosmic cycles of time automatically bring us into a New Age every 2,000+ years.  Planet Earth entered the New Age of Aquarius in December 2012.  The New Age Movement has been a vital part of our soul’s spiritual evolution.  The problem has been that we became confused and unbalanced.  Now, it is time for balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within each of us and integrating that balance by active expression in our world.

I have not yet listened to the entire seven hour podcast, but intend to do so and strongly encourage all to do likewise.  And here, I am acting on my intuitive heart’s leap when I saw the podcast, “Here’s what I have been saying … maybe Mark can explain it in a more meaningful way!”  I have heard enough to know that this podcast is like attending a fascinating one day workshop.  Mark is very articulate and knowledgeable.  He uses slides to illustrate his lecture.

Now that our planet has entered a New Age, we have the responsibility to co-create the New Earth and New Heaven.  It is imperative that we balance our Divine Masculine and Feminine!  May we all come to a more complete understanding of the process of creation as we listen to and ponder Mark’s podcast.

“New Age” Bullshit & The Suppression of the Sacred Masculine


Mark’s official website is:  http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/




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