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TRIBUTE TO DOVE OF ONENESS without whom we would not know of NESARA!

Nancy, with Twin Flame Uriel

nesara10As the Light saturates our Mother Earth and our ONE FAMILY, many marvelous events are beginning to unfold. Our Mother/Father God’s Divine Plan for ALL their children is one of LOVE, PEACE, & PROSPERITY.

Whether or not we remember our Soul’s commitment to this present incarnation, we came to Earth to learn not to run from darkness, but to overcome it—both in ourselves and on a planetary level! It is for this reason that today, and henceforth, is monumental in its potential significance.

CAN WE, WILL WE, COME TOGETHER AND FOCUS LIGHT ON OUR PLANET AND THE UNFOLDING OF THE DIVINE PLAN, INCLUDING NESARA—the National Economic Security & Reformation Act—and GESARA—the Global Economic Security & Reformation Act?

In the early 2000s, people from all over the world crafted banners to be displayed in front of the Peace Palace in Hague, Netherlands. The world was ready for peace, prosperity, and familial love!

However, we had yet to overcome the darkness.

The false flag event of 9/11 is just one of the many dark obstacles that have been perpetrated to prevent the transformation of our planet from manifesting.

9/11 achieved its goal … NESARA was not, and has not been announced, just as we continue without an official announcement of our Galactic Family’s presence with us. Doubt that NESARA was real … that it would ever be announced became the dominant mindset. Little do we realize that our own doubt creates a tremendous obstacle to a better life for all of us. Fear, doubt, ridicule of those who continue to hold fast to the Divine Plan unfolding—all manifest as our failure to overcome the darkness.

Through the years, NESARA would have very likely been forgotten had it not been for the 24/7 dedicated efforts of a courageous woman using the code name of Dove of Oneness. I’ll let her tell her own story of the efforts to bring NESARA into official public standing within America: https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/the-national-economic-security-reformation-act-a-summary-by-dove/

BUT FIRST, each of us can do our part to manifest the NESARA LAW as the LAW OF THE LAND!

As described in Dr. Kathryn May’s 5/27/15 Radio Show, humanity was successful in overcoming the Dark on 5/27/15, as they were about to initiate their plans to use nuclear weapons to destroy Planet Earth. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2015/05/28/mother-father-sananda-aa-michael-earth-and-grid-align-in-a-new-way

Our role is to envision and feel deeply the joys of having NESARA/GESARA officially announced and implemented. Envision joyfully welcoming our Galactic Family as an official recognition of their presence with us paves the way for them to land on Earth. They have already worked with Russia to provide “weapons” that will make war obsolete: http://ladarayinfo.weebly.com/payment-esr4-alien-technology–new-russian-weapons.html

Both of these announcements will benefit humankind beyond our wildest dreams!

I encourage all of you to study the above sites and become familiar with the GOOD that is ready and waiting for us as we focus on the Light unfolding in marvelous ways on our Mother Earth!

Focusing on the Light in combination with knowledge of what the Light is holding in store for each of us is the Way to hasten our Good manifesting in our lives. On the other hand, doubt, fear, and disbelief will continue to hold our Good in abeyance.

Thank you, Dove of Oneness, for your tireless work in refusing to allow the NESARA LAW to be forgotten! May each of us follow in her footsteps by dedicating our thoughts, prayers, service, and faith to envisioning and bringing to fruition a world in which we, as a Galactic/Planetary Family share in the glories of living on a Lighted Planet!

We have evolved a very long way … now we stand at the crossroads! We have only to make the turn and face the Light in full faith that LIGHT NOW RULES OUR PLANET! Even though darkness may attempt to overcome the Light, remain firm in your focus on the Light!

Thank you, Dove of Oneness, for showing us how to serve the Light regardless of the obstacles placed before us!

Dove returned HOME on May 20, 2010. I am sure she is cheering us onward to full disclosure of the NESARA/GESARA LAW and OUR GALACTIC FAMILY’S PRESENCE WITH US!


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