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Climbing the Stairway

Dr.  Suzanne Lie

Jacob's LadderMessage from the Arcturians and a

Beloved Ones,
You are ALL creating your New Home on New Earth. Your new home may be on new Earth, your new starship assignment, and/or your new Lightbody. In fact, you are all building your NEW LIFE thought-by-thought and emotion-by-emotion.
Within this NOW, your consciousness is continuing to expand into higher and higher frequencies and dimensions. Hence, your expanded powers of multidimensional manifestation are coming online. Therefore, as you continue to download and integrate the return to your fifth dimensional SELF, you must especially be aware of your every thought and emotion.
When you were resonating to a lower frequency of light, it took a long “time” for your conscious and un-conscious self to manifest the thought-forms that you consciously, or unconsciously, created. It took more “time” for your thought-forms to manifest because they were created within time.
Now, your super-conscious thoughts and multi-dimensional emotions are seeping into your 3D brain. Therefore, your thought-forms are immediately returning to you in various stages of manifestation. The term, “what you think about, you bring about,” will exponentially expand.
This expansion will progress as your consciousness expands into higher and higher frequencies. Once you create your thought-forms while in a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you leave time to function within the NOW.
READ MORE:  http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com/2015/06/climbing-stairway-and-free-meditation.html


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When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
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