Home » Dr. Kathyrn May » Mother’s Mini-Message # 7 The Trouble with Pleading Innocent

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Mother’s Mini-Message # 7

The Trouble with Pleading Innocent

Dr. Kathryn May Dr. Kathryn May channeling Mother God

“Today I will give you just a small taste of a subject we will be studying together in the near future.  It is a key to your freedom, a mystery door that was closed eons ago.  I urge you to walk with me, venture forth into unknown territory, and risk losing everything you have ever found annoying, infuriating, hurtful and irreconcilable about missed communications with others.”

READ MORE:  http://www.whoneedslight.org/cm-english/2015/6/10/w6f5ddn2m95fg1tejjfllbnekw4m0x


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