Home » Sheldan Nidle » SHELDAN NIDLE'S WEEKLY REPORT – JUNE 21, 2016

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
4 Caban, 10 Kayab, 12 Manik – June 21, 2016


“Selamat Jalwa! Many amazing events are at last beginning to happen. Those who are preparing your blessings are nearly ready to disperse them. Those who are to correct the American governance are also working at shifting from a de facto regime to a true de jure republic. This shift is to collapse the Fed and end the war-like actions of America over the past three decades. As stated earlier, it has taken a much longer time than at first envisioned. This realm is finally in unison to rid this surface realm world of the dark cabal and its numerous minions. The dark’s reign of nearly 13 millennia is just about finished. All of the many concepts that you have thought of as normal are ready to be removed and replaced with a new set of perceptions based on truth and the march of history on your surface world. This process is going to take longer, as you need to abandon beliefs that have long shaped you. Thus, we have lengthened the moments between one set of your masters’ lessons and the next one. You are a people who for far too long deeply believed the lies given you by the dark. A last step is for you to take in and use the replacements given you by your masters!

READ MORE:  http://www.paoweb.com/uf062116.htm


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When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
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