Home » Cosmic Vision News » COSMIC VISION NEWS – FEBRUARY 1, 2013

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WOW, Geoffrey, if this show is an example of you feeling “unmotivated,” I cannot wait to hear the show on which you are highly motivated!

This show is jam-packed with news—none of which we hear on mainline newscasts.   And yet, news that is vital to our knowledge of what is happening around the world.

Prepare for some very interesting listening and a meditation for peace at the end!



As one who has always listened to newscasts and heard some of the most famous news reporters/anchors, I rate Geoffrey at the top.   His spiritual insight allows him to perceive meaning in events that others totally miss.

Geoffrey-West-300x287Geoffrey West

I honor you, Geoffrey, for a job very well done—and without help.  Geoff is a one-man show!  He researches, writes, collects segments of interviews done by others, interviews, and produces his own newscast.

And at the end of the day, he is no richer for having done so.  He works because it is his Soul’s mission!

May you be richly blessed, dear Geoffrey!


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