Home » Steve Beckow » TO AWAKEN IS TO BE LOVE

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Steve Beckow

October 23, 2013



The baptism of the Mother’s energy that we’re receiving at this time is fulfilling Jesus’ promise that we would experience the second coming of the Christ Consciousness. Says the source who speaks through Natalie Glasson:

“The tremendous gift you are being given now is the same as the time of Jesus, but you are able to experience the Christ Consciousness being born within you, the Christ Consciousness growing from within you and the Christ consciousness in all its expanded presence within your being, reality and upon the Earth.”  (1)

The Christ is the soul, the divine spark within each of us, the prince of peace and pearl of great price. And a consciousness of it is the awareness that the love that it is is who we are and what we have to give to all others. She says:

“The Christ consciousness is a constant and absolute belief in love, that love is the way, the form and the consciousness and that there is no other aspect of the Creator more completing and fulfilling for your soul than the love of the Creator.” (2)

And the invitation to us is to ground ourselves in that love so completely that it will never be absent from our being and consciousness again. As she asks us:

“Do you believe in the love of the Creator so completely, do you believe it flows effortlessly through your being and streams eternally into your soul? Now is the time to reaffirm your belief, to build the love within your being like an unwavering tower, so grounded that it will never be submerged.” (3)

The Company of Heaven through Wes Annac tells us that this baptism that we share will help us break through our limited perceptions, never to return to them again.

“You’re being looked upon with Love from the higher dimensions, and the perceptions you’re finding yourselves able to unlock now will pave the way for your widespread understanding of the fact that your reality is Created and sustained with the pure energy of Love.

“Love is much more than humans have been programmed to believe. You’ve been taught to give your energy to limited perceptions of Love that don’t allow for pure and uninhibited understandings of it, and our goal in communicating with humanity is to help you break the limitation and see beyond every bit of programming that’s taught you to feed it.” (4)

Most of the world has no idea what is happening. If they even guessed it, many would deny it, but even denial cannot cause it to cease to exist, Jesus tells us.

“Consciousness in all its many forms – individual, family, group, collective, planetary, galactic, multiverse – has only two options: either turn towards it, accept that loving embrace and delight in the warmth, acceptance, and wonder that that entails: or turn away in denial of Reality and pretend that it does not exist. For eons, many on Earth have been doing the latter, but to deny something does not and cannot make it cease to be.” (5)

Embracing love causes fear to flee from us, Archangel Michael tells us.

“Love is a natural state of Being. Love is a life-sustaining, inborn condition. When Love is the radiating force in your life, fear disappears. Fear is created by the absence of Love. Fear is a state of mind created by tapping into lower frequency, distorted, thought forms.”   (6)

He predicts the miraculous impact of our accepting that love.

“When you turn inward and tap into that well-spring of Love within your Sacred Heart, it first permeates your Inner Being; the remainder then radiates out into the world. As a result, you will begin to see through eyes filtered by loving energy, which will change how you view the people in your life.

“It will also affect how you handle everyday challenges and opportunities – an overlay of loving energy creates miracles.” (7)

We cannot then hurt anyone, Jesus informs us.

“Love is your nature, and at the depths of your Essence, as you experience it in the illusion, you have no desire and never have had the desire or intent to hurt or offend anyone, even though you have engaged in a game of doing so. Love – you, as you truly are – could never intend anything that is in the slightest way unloving because there is nothing that is unloving.” (8)

To awaken is to be that love, which is the answer to every problem, he tells us.

“To awaken is to acknowledge and to be Love, and only Love. …

“That is why we are constantly telling you that Love is the answer to every problem. Love is the only means of resolution, and It is completely effective because It embraces all unconditionally without judgment of any kind. …  In Love, in Reality, there is no conflict; all is in Divine and perfect harmony, and for you to awaken you need to embrace and share Love inclusively and indiscriminately.  (9)

Having told us what love is as the apostle Paul, Saul tells us again:

“Love is transparent…. It is uncontaminated, unadulterated, undiluted, absolutely perfect as God created It. … Knowing yourselves like that ensures tranquility because all that is not of Love fades quickly from your memories because it was unreal, part of the nightmare that is lost almost instantly on awakening.” (10)

So here we rest, simmering in divine love, unconditional love, all-dissolving love, and there can be only one outcome for those who open to it and that is eternal and complete awakening. And awakening to what? Awakening to the fact that we are, at essence and in every other way, love.


(1) “Grandmother Anna: Your Divine Role,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, October 13, 2013 at http://omna.org.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “The Company of Heaven: Your Inner-Sun has never Shone Brighter,” channeled by Wes Annac, October 9, 2013 at http://aquariusparadigm.com/.

(5) Jesus via John Smallman, October 1, 2013, at http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.

(6) “Archangel Michael: Love is a Natural State of Being, channelled through Ronna Herman, September 29, 2013, at http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html

(7) Loc. cit.

(8) Jesus via John Smallman, September 28, 2013.

(9) Jesus via John Smallman, September 8, 2013.

(10) Saul, August 28, 2013 at http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.





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