Home » Comet ISON » Comet ISON is not a Comet rather a Mothership circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event

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Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013


Above: Nov 27th: looking east before sunrise up at Kendal Castle, Comet ISON’s tail visible above horizon,  sharing the pre-dawn sky with Moon and Spica (end of tail) and Saturn and Mercury beside the tail. Photo Credit http://waitingforison.wordpress.com/what-will-it-look-like/

Be sure to click on photo to see it enlarged!


“As we continue to watch the Path of ISON into December we will see the StarShip just before the break of dawn in the north each day until the Full Moon which occurs on the last day we travel through Ophiuchus  and  72 hours before the December Solstice. This Solstice marks the shortest day that year and each day after becomes brighter and brighter leading right into Spring. Between December 21 and New Year’s Eve ISON will be visible all night long. Between January 1st and the 10th of January ISON will pull away from the Earth and the Sun and become too dim for us to see. The Event will be ripe for the timing. With Full Galactic Disclosure Peace on Earth brings Landings and New Earth. At the same time, the BIG arrests will finally take place. Before that happens and during December these energetic changes may hold some challenges for you. At times you may feel like you are going crazy. Emotions can be very low one minute and very high the next. One may experience those close to us having the same swing of emotions on opposite days. Know that this is a great time of flux. Allow the others in your life the space they need as the OLD is cast out of their very cells. The light from StarShip ISON emanating Helios and Vesta into the cellular memory in the DNA lifts body, mind and heart onto New Earth.

Watch to see chaos rein before all is complete with changeover. The dark cabal cut their DNA strands and now that this healing is taking place they are finding those connections are impossible to repair. When they cut their 11th Strand of DNA it is connected with Emotions. The 12th Strand of DNA is connected to LOVE. Some within the dragon families will find that they cannot access these healings and they will become rebellious as the end nears. You will continue to see acting out. This may be in the form of false flags, shootings, weather manipulation or worse. Blaze the Violet Flame as we enter this challenging time through middle December. It is very important at this time to become absolutely detached from all things in your life. If you resist, pain and suffering will follow. Decidedly. Know that the flux period is in Divine Order and this is the only way to carry out the changes for Billions of Souls. Be Peace Within. Forgive yourself swiftly if you make a mistake. Forget it. Keep walking. Lean into the wind. StarShip ISON is working together with the wormhole created by the Archangels between Jupiter and Earth creating unprecedented swift changes in the Cosmos. We are almost there! Call on Me for Guidance. I am always beside you. You are never alone. Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013.”

READ ENTIRE CHANNELING:  http://elizabethtrutwin.org/comet-ison-is-not-a-comet-rather-a-mothership-circumventing-the-earth-unfolding-the-event-a-message-from-lord-sananda-through-elizabeth-trutwin-november-26-2013/


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