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Merry Christmas from Admiral Sananda and Captain Ashtar – a Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 24, 2013.

Holy Family

Greetings this is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. Christmas Greetings Everyone. This story began two thousand years ago. The role of the Virgin Mary was played by the consort of Archangel Raphael, his Twin Flame, Mother Mary. St. Germain played the role of Jesus’ Father, Joseph. Archangel Michael was stationed in the MotherShip, the New Bethlehem and it Guided the Three Magi by both day and by night. Later, my consort Twin Flame, who is Lady Master Nada played my wife, Mary Magdalene. Several hundred years after my Ascension the few who wished to control the many called her a prostitute and many important points about that Mission were wiped away with completely false information. During Jesus’ lifetime there were the Teachers in the Temple, the Rabbis who were sacrificing animals, an abomination and these mortal men were bought and sold. This was not unlike the Mission in Egyptian times when I played the role of King Tut and the Amun Priesthood worshipped multiple gods and collected gold from their followers. During Jesus’ lifetime the royalty and their political representatives established the law of the land and the few could not tolerate freedom or peace. They thrived on fear, strong justice, including murder, intimidation and collecting their false taxes. Things have not changed much, in some ways, since 2000 years.

The Egyptian Mission failed. The General of the Army along with the Amun Priesthood managed to murder most of the Royalty working to establish Christhood with the Supreme Lord working toward Ascending Earth. The Bethlehem Mission failed. Jesus’ Disciples were not able to dissolve ego mind. They were put under tremendous tests. When they came for Jesus in the end, not one Disciple said, take me, instead. The few who wished to control the many won out through intimidation and murder. This Mission to Ascend Earth now will not fail. I, Sananda, have returned in robes of red, as it were, meaning that the Intergalactic War Criminals have ended their time on Earth. I am incarnate on Earth in the role of King of Swords, http://galacticroundtable.net/2013/08/who-is-king-of-swords-kos-by-elizabeth-trutwin/ working with the Crew on the Ships to oversee every detail to remove from Earth the criminals destroying her with war, famine, mining, nuclear energy and pollution. Also, those who have created an Intergalactic Society through a Secret Space Program paid for in slavery and trafficking and drugs. Mother Sekhmet makes the call and she has said that Time Ends Now. We are moving to No Time. We are moving to Liberation for all on Earth.

Knowing the Truth about the last 2000, 5000 or 10,000 years going back to the Orion Wars is just a small part of a story going back millions of years on Earth. There is another much more important component. Individual Ascension. What is Ascension or Enlightenment? This is becoming the Christ. Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Rumi and Confucius were all Christed Beings. Our Extraterrestrial counterparts assisting us from the Ships, our Galactic Family interacting with us on Earth since Her creation, are also Christed Beings.

Akhenaten’s attempt to example the Supreme Lord and Individual Enlightenment was fiercely attacked by the Priesthood who made money from donations given over the endless holy days to multiple gods. The warlords from Rome during Jesus time attacked the Prophet teaching his devotees how to Ascend and become free Beings, Christed Beings on Earth. In the years which followed the incorrect teaching twisted My original words saying that Ascension happened after death. That brought a death culture to Christianity which is prevalent today. Many are offended by Christianity today because it represents death to those it conquers and its followers. This was the intention of the few wishing to control the many. For the most part they have continued this wrong teaching today and Christians still teach it to their children even though they have awoken, somewhat from their sleepiness. We Ascend while alive! Resurrection = Ascension. See with Eyes Which See!

Many today are gathered together with their families to celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus. I, Sananda, would like to expand that celebration to include the birth of Christ within each one of you. Becoming the Christ is the Teaching of Jesus. This is obtained by merging with the Supreme Lord and returning to the True Highest Self in a human body and by obtaining this becoming physically immortal. It takes healing the past hurts. It takes removing the filters through which you react to others. It takes forgiveness of Self. It takes hourly, daily, devotion, longing and desire to become the Christ. Devotion to Self. This is a concentrated effort designed to remove the programing and becoming free from the slave existence.

Christmas around the world is a tradition of feast foods, sweets and exchanging gifts with our loved ones. It is also an alignment with the SOlstice, the Sun’s energy which powers everything on Earth, nature and the Cosmos. Jesus was born in a manager next to animals. His lowly birth, communing with nature served as an Example for All striving for Enlightenment. It is offered to all of Mother’s Children. Earth is in a period where the worst conditions exist. Christmas is a stressful time for many. Coming together with family we seldom see is often a very good test of how we are doing dissolving ego.

Typically our communications are filtered through our ego as programs, some variation of, ‘I am not good enough,’ ‘No One loves Me,’ ‘I must always be right,’ or some variation of these. Harsh words, hurt feelings, gestures and small thoughts hold ego and are severely tested in the commercial setting of Christmas. There is a technique to use in these situations which will help move further down the Path toward Ascension. Set the scene. You are at the relatives for Christmas. Your (Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife) has said something to you which has triggered your ego and you know from the Higher Teachings you must not react. Instead of replying, you take in a deep breath and smile. You leave the room and sit on the chair in another room. Now close your eyes and breath. Feel where this bad feeling of pain is in your body. Do you feel it in your throat? Chest? Back? Go into that pain and continue to deeply breathe. Allow the pain to grow bigger, to cover your entire body. Breathe. Allow the pain to intensify and grow. When it is over your entire body like a grey cloud, imagine a gust of wind rises up and blows the pain away, past your body. Feel pure light fill the space where the pain was. Rejoin the others, centered in your Self generated Peace. The trigger is gone and you are able to enjoy this time together.

Using this technique you will dissolve those filters which empower the ego mind and keep you reacting and fighting. Dissolve the ego and you will obtain Ascension. It takes a deep longing for Self, a deep love for Self.

Many today are suffering anxiety wondering when the Event will take place. http://elizabethtrutwin.org/what-exactly-is-the-event-a-message-from-lord-sananda-through-elizabeth-trutwin-november-22-2013/ When we are free of ego we no longer think of it in a way which cause anxiety. We realize that we are on Earth to assist in our roles for Earth Ascension and that Mother has it well in hand. She with her consort Twin Flame are bringing each change as an orchestrated flow of the Divine unfolding just as it should. As I, Sananda said before there are two windows of opportunity each year when the Event may take place. These evolve around the SOLstices. It is no mistake that Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter at these times. Jews celebrate Hanukkah and Passover around the same time. We are at this moment within this window of opportunity. Anything can happen. Hold High Thoughts for the Event now. What if it doesn’t happen now? Then what can we expect? Just as you have been doing your whole life, you keep pressing on with all the ideals you believe in. Stay in The Work. Work towards causing no harm. Try out vegetarianism. Plan your Mission in New Earth. Grow your confidence and Grow Your Dreams. Many of you have no Plan. You have no idea what you would do next in an Abundant World. You have not allowed your imagination to take you that far. You have not yet released yourself from worry about money. Worry from illness. You have not pursued more knowledge. This is what is next no matter when the Event takes place.

Today is Christmas Eve. Remember the neediest. Is it you? Are you well grounded on the Path toward Ascension? If not, take the necessary steps back to the Path of Enlightenment. I am here Guiding you, always. We are old friends and we are here back on Earth completing the Mission which failed again and again. Call on Me in your time of need. You are never alone. Warriors of Light, it has taken us all, being here together in this Now to make it happen. Congratulate yourself for how much you have accomplished in the last few years. See how much you have changed? Prepare the Golden Age in your Heart first. Plan Your Heaven on Earth. Keep within your Heart those on the Ships working very hard putting into place the Master Plan for Changeover. Nothing can stop it from happening Now. Together we will manifest this with Love and no fear, in Divine Timing. Merry Christmas from the Prince of Peace. Aho. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Merry Christmas from Admiral Sananda and Captain Ashtar a Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 24, 2013.

Greetings this is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. Christmas Greetings Everyone. This story began two thousand years ago. The role of the Virgin Mary was played by the consort of Archangel Raphael, his Twin Flame, Mother Mary. St. Germain played the role of Jesus’ Father, Joseph. Archangel Michael was stationed in the MotherShip, the New Bethlehem and it Guided the Three Magi by both day and by night. Later, my consort Twin Flame, who is Lady Master Nada played my wife, Mary Magdalene. Several hundred years after my Ascension the few who wished to control the many called her a prostitute and many important points about that Mission were wiped away with completely false information. During Jesus’ lifetime there were the Teachers in the Temple, the Rabbis who were sacrificing animals, an abomination and these mortal men were bought and sold. This was not unlike the Mission in Egyptian times when I played the role of King Tut and the Amun Priesthood worshipped multiple gods and collected gold from their followers. During Jesus’ lifetime the royalty and their political representatives established the law of the land and the few could not tolerate freedom or peace. They thrived on fear, strong justice, including murder, intimidation and collecting their false taxes. Things have not changed much, in some ways, since 2000 years.

The Egyptian Mission failed. The General of the Army along with the Amun Priesthood managed to murder most of the Royalty working to establish Christhood with the Supreme Lord working toward Ascending Earth. The Bethlehem Mission failed. Jesus’ Disciples were not able to dissolve ego mind. They were put under tremendous tests. When they came for Jesus in the end, not one Disciple said, take me, instead. The few who wished to control the many won out through intimidation and murder. This Mission to Ascend Earth now will not fail. I, Sananda, have returned in robes of red, as it were, meaning that the Intergalactic War Criminals have ended their time on Earth. I am incarnate on Earth in the role of King of Swords, http://galacticroundtable.net/2013/08/who-is-king-of-swords-kos-by-elizabeth-trutwin/ working with the Crew on the Ships to oversee every detail to remove from Earth the criminals destroying her with war, famine, mining, nuclear energy and pollution. Also, those who have created an Intergalactic Society through a Secret Space Program paid for in slavery and trafficking and drugs. Mother Sekhmet makes the call and she has said that Time Ends Now. We are moving to No Time. We are moving to Liberation for all on Earth.

Knowing the Truth about the last 2000, 5000 or 10,000 years going back to the Orion Wars is just a small part of a story going back millions of years on Earth. There is another much more important component. Individual Ascension. What is Ascension or Enlightenment? This is becoming the Christ. Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Rumi and Confucius were all Christed Beings. Our Extraterrestrial counterparts assisting us from the Ships, our Galactic Family interacting with us on Earth since Her creation, are also Christed Beings.

Akhenaten’s attempt to example the Supreme Lord and Individual Enlightenment was fiercely attacked by the Priesthood who made money from donations given over the endless holy days to multiple gods. The warlords from Rome during Jesus time attacked the Prophet teaching his devotees how to Ascend and become free Beings, Christed Beings on Earth. In the years which followed the incorrect teaching twisted My original words saying that Ascension happened after death. That brought a death culture to Christianity which is prevalent today. Many are offended by Christianity today because it represents death to those it conquers and its followers. This was the intention of the few wishing to control the many. For the most part they have continued this wrong teaching today and Christians still teach it to their children even though they have awoken, somewhat from their sleepiness. We Ascend while alive! Resurrection = Ascension. See with Eyes Which See!

Many today are gathered together with their families to celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus. I, Sananda, would like to expand that celebration to include the birth of Christ within each one of you. Becoming the Christ is the Teaching of Jesus. This is obtained by merging with the Supreme Lord and returning to the True Highest Self in a human body and by obtaining this becoming physically immortal. It takes healing the past hurts. It takes removing the filters through which you react to others. It takes forgiveness of Self. It takes hourly, daily, devotion, longing and desire to become the Christ. Devotion to Self. This is a concentrated effort designed to remove the programing and becoming free from the slave existence.

Christmas around the world is a tradition of feast foods, sweets and exchanging gifts with our loved ones. It is also an alignment with the SOlstice, the Sun’s energy which powers everything on Earth, nature and the Cosmos. Jesus was born in a manager next to animals. His lowly birth, communing with nature served as an Example for All striving for Enlightenment. It is offered to all of Mother’s Children. Earth is in a period where the worst conditions exist. Christmas is a stressful time for many. Coming together with family we seldom see is often a very good test of how we are doing dissolving ego.

Typically our communications are filtered through our ego as programs, some variation of, ‘I am not good enough,’ ‘No One loves Me,’ ‘I must always be right,’ or some variation of these. Harsh words, hurt feelings, gestures and small thoughts hold ego and are severely tested in the commercial setting of Christmas. There is a technique to use in these situations which will help move further down the Path toward Ascension. Set the scene. You are at the relatives for Christmas. Your (Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife) has said something to you which has triggered your ego and you know from the Higher Teachings you must not react. Instead of replying, you take in a deep breath and smile. You leave the room and sit on the chair in another room. Now close your eyes and breath. Feel where this bad feeling of pain is in your body. Do you feel it in your throat? Chest? Back? Go into that pain and continue to deeply breathe. Allow the pain to grow bigger, to cover your entire body. Breathe. Allow the pain to intensify and grow. When it is over your entire body like a grey cloud, imagine a gust of wind rises up and blows the pain away, past your body. Feel pure light fill the space where the pain was. Rejoin the others, centered in your Self generated Peace. The trigger is gone and you are able to enjoy this time together.

Using this technique you will dissolve those filters which empower the ego mind and keep you reacting and fighting. Dissolve the ego and you will obtain Ascension. It takes a deep longing for Self, a deep love for Self.

Many today are suffering anxiety wondering when the Event will take place. http://elizabethtrutwin.org/what-exactly-is-the-event-a-message-from-lord-sananda-through-elizabeth-trutwin-november-22-2013/ When we are free of ego we no longer think of it in a way which cause anxiety. We realize that we are on Earth to assist in our roles for Earth Ascension and that Mother has it well in hand. She with her consort Twin Flame are bringing each change as an orchestrated flow of the Divine unfolding just as it should. As I, Sananda said before there are two windows of opportunity each year when the Event may take place. These evolve around the SOLstices. It is no mistake that Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter at these times. Jews celebrate Hanukkah and Passover around the same time. We are at this moment within this window of opportunity. Anything can happen. Hold High Thoughts for the Event now. What if it doesn’t happen now? Then what can we expect? Just as you have been doing your whole life, you keep pressing on with all the ideals you believe in. Stay in The Work. Work towards causing no harm. Try out vegetarianism. Plan your Mission in New Earth. Grow your confidence and Grow Your Dreams. Many of you have no Plan. You have no idea what you would do next in an Abundant World. You have not allowed your imagination to take you that far. You have not yet released yourself from worry about money. Worry from illness. You have not pursued more knowledge. This is what is next no matter when the Event takes place.

Today is Christmas Eve. Remember the neediest. Is it you? Are you well grounded on the Path toward Ascension? If not, take the necessary steps back to the Path of Enlightenment. I am here Guiding you, always. We are old friends and we are here back on Earth completing the Mission which failed again and again. Call on Me in your time of need. You are never alone. Warriors of Light, it has taken us all, being here together in this Now to make it happen. Congratulate yourself for how much you have accomplished in the last few years. See how much you have changed? Prepare the Golden Age in your Heart first. Plan Your Heaven on Earth. Keep within your Heart those on the Ships working very hard putting into place the Master Plan for Changeover. Nothing can stop it from happening Now. Together we will manifest this with Love and no fear, in Divine Timing. Merry Christmas from the Prince of Peace. Aho. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 24, 2013. 

© All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We are sooo close, Everybody! Thank You. love, beth



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