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You are all powerful divine beings who have momentarily forgotten who you are.

June 7, 2014 by John Smallman


Waiting is a very human experience, it is part of limited consciousness, rather like traveling along a winding roadway.  As you round each bend a new vista presents itself to you, but until you actually round the bend you cannot know what will be revealed.  So you wait, and then your expectations are either delivered, or not.  Many have come to learn to live without optimistic expectations as a result of previous disappointments, and this does have certain benefits and also disadvantages, as you have learnt.  In Reality, in Heaven, there is only now, waiting does not occur.

In the spiritual realms we cannot truly appreciate what waiting is like for humanity, even though we may have had lives as humans, and we are very aware that you cannot truly understand what living in the now, as we do eternally, really means.  You may get brief intuitive moments in which you seem to experience it, and then it is gone, and you wonder what just happened!  So I need to remind you that time is of the illusion, and however real it may seem to you – and we know that it does seem extremely real to the vast majority of humans – it is really quite unreal.  Nevertheless, you are experiencing it constantly, while hoping, intending, and expecting to awaken very soon – but of course, in truth you are already awake!

As is evident from your ongoing experiences you did build an incredibly real seeming environment in which to play your games of separation.  But you will be glad to hear yet again that the time for those games to end is rapidly approaching.  You have made the collective decision to end them, and the process of terminating them is continuing to move ahead unstoppably.  You can see the signs of this as the mainstream media quietly and discreetly publishes brief stories offering further evidence of corruption and deceit in high places, while your alternate news channels give you far more detail as they are not able to be suppressed by the wealthy owners of the corporate news organizations.

READ MORE: http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/




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