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NOTE BY NANCY:  Americans, this article is of utmost importance to us because it portrays the Truth about the way in which the world perceives the United States.  You will gain much insight into our nation and into the overall events occurring on our planet.  Sadly President Obama is the scapegoat for the New World Order’s nefarious activities–the world tends to equate the United States, President Obama, and the New World Order as one and the same.   As Lada Ray states:  The US is the most hated nation on Earth.  We, as citizens, need to know why and stop blindly supporting many of the NWO’s covert actions.  “It’s in our interest” to do such and such does NOT mean in the people’s interest or in America’s interest!  It means in the interest of the NWO!





I’ll be honest; it has been difficult for me to write this piece. I started many times, added some notes here hand there, but had some reluctance to publish it. Despite my going pretty deep, it seemed to me that the issue was still deeper than that. Something still seemed unsaid that should have been said. There still seemed to be some forces, and some hidden, not very flattering features of the human psyche, that were so dark and unsavory that I was unwilling to delve in.

Being an empath and Intellect Shifter, I usually find that there are no mysteries in this world. Everything is usually laid out in front of me like an ever-changing tapestry, including events, their profound motivations, and the deepest human emotions, as well. It is a rather rare instance when I find myself in disbelief that even those I consider smart people can get so easily caught in the web of lies. What is it in human psyche that allows it to build walls so easily, and to believe lies so readily?

In short, I can tell you what it is: it is called fear, the built-in human emotion that is supposed to safeguard us from danger. It’s a very useful warning mechanism; yet, due to the misused human ego and mind games, fear most of the time becomes the reason for the humans’ self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s just that it’s so unbelievably obvious! How can people not see the traps laid out for them by forces with the darkest of the dark ulterior motives?

But this is another topic, which is very important, and I plan to discuss it in my future articles.

For now, I’ll repeat the advice I have given before. To get out of the matrix of fear, raise your vibration to the level of reason, and subsequently, to love. Important clue: love without reason will still lead you astray; you need both to effectively function in the middle realm, also described as the earthly human realm.

In this piece I am offering you a unique opportunity to firmly raise your vibration to the level of reason. I will touch upon certain facets of what I call the Putin Phenomenon. The phenomenon of Putin is much larger, of course. This, very detailed and meticulous article is just the beginning. The PUTIN ENIGMA is to follow. As promised, in 2-3 weeks I will present to you a special report, which will give you a complete understanding. When the special report is ready, the announcements and links will be posted on this blog.

The title of this article is controversial at best. We will discuss a lot of juicy stuff, including: different facets of the NWO issue in connection with the Russian President Vladimir Putin; what is the West really after; the real story of the Belgian US Treasury purchase scandal; the related issue of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, as the alleged future capital of NWO.

READ MORE:  http://futuristrendcast.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/is-putin-part-of-nwo/ 


“I was born in Russia to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine. Growing up, I observed the collapse of the Soviet Union. I also lived and traveled to nearly 30 countries on most continents, including Cuba, where I interviewed Fidel Castro. By the ripe age of 38, I managed to have 3 successful careers on 3 different continents, first as a linguist and translator, and second as financial consultant with AIG and Smith Barney/Citigroup. I witnessed first hand behind the scenes manipulations at these major financial institutions; I observed how small clients were sacrificed to the interests of large institutional clients, and how derivatives became the buzz word. At some point, I couldn’t stand it any more and quit, and although I felt sorry to leave my clients, I needed to do things that were in line with my spiritual growth and soul development.”



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Manik, 0 Zip, 1 Ik – September 5, 2017
Awakening of Friendship with the Star Beings by Master Kuthumi – channeled through through Natalie Glasson 1st September 2017
Q&A with Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society August 29, 2017
When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 9 Cib, 14 Uo, 1 Ik – August 29, 2017
