Home » Hilarion » HILARION – November 1-7, 2014

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NOTE BY NANCY:  The necessity of observing and controlling our thoughts has been a predominant theme recently.  As we approach November 5 and the worldwide effort to bring about a Congressional Hearing for Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence with us, controlling our thoughts becomes imperative.  Thoughts are energy, just as our emotions are energy and are attracted to the etheric energy field with which they resonate.

If we take 1 step forward while anticipating a Congressional Hearing, then take 2 steps backward as we allow doubts to arise or hesitate to get our hopes up, we have added more energy to the doubts etheric field.  We have split our thought energy output and defeated ourselves.   Our emotions must match our thoughts!  Sananda recently explained that humanity can literally fall back a timeline by this 1 step forward and 2 steps backward lack of thought control.  From outside the veil under which Earth humans presently live, the Ascended Masters and our Galactic Family can watch Earth light up, then turn dark once more as we give way to doubt and not wanting to be disappointed.

Let us all dedicate ourselves to envisioning a Congressional Hearing and holding that thought within our mind.  Avoid making comments to anyone that express doubt, remembering that in doing so, we weaken or cancel our initial vision.   Instead, give thanks for a Congressional Hearing and receive that event into our reality.  As Jesus taught:  Whatsoever you ask in my name, BELIEVE that you have ALREADY RECEIVED IT AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU.




 November 1-7, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Many of you have been dedicating yourselves to the greater purification of your mind patterns and thought patterns. Now that the emotional patterns are almost balanced and made neutral, the thoughts become the next area of observation and recalibration. This work is something that only you can do, there is no one else that is in charge of your thoughts or how you choose to think within your mind. There is more than one way to perceive and look at things within the situations that come up in your lives. There is more than one way to respond in your mastery of them, however, through lifetime conditioning people most times tend to respond and react in the same old patterns that never brought them success before. This, in all likelihood is why the same type of situation keeps cropping up in their daily living.

Each of you has been trying to discover more of your own higher aspects and bring these into your experience. You have been seeking to raise the energies within each step along your path to the understanding of yourself and the reality that is unfolding along the way. You seek to be in the right mind frame so that you can open the treasure chest of experience in your journey through this lifetime. You know that you are a spark of the divine flame and that you are a co-creator with the universe, that you have the potential for wondrous creation. You know that your soul is the sacred vehicle for divine inspiration and for the awakened awareness of your own godliness. You aspire to greatness of spirit within which you have the passion and inspiration of unfolding possibilities. The transformative fire within you and your light moves you toward your dreams, to shine as a beacon for others in order to raise the consciousness of all living beings as you endeavour to raise your own.

This role requires reflection, discernment and the understanding of how focused intent brings spirit into manifestation. When you are open to spirit you begin to perceive the unlimited potential and abundance that has always been available to you. You recognize the beauty in all of life and you drink this beauty into your daily experience. You know that this abundance can be tapped into by aligning with the flow of the Earth’s rhythms and allowing the magnificence if what that truly means for everyone. Honor your own highest good in your spiritual potential and within everyone around you. Give sustenance and nourishment to those activities that further the unfolding of this potential and let all else fall away.

It is only by uniting forces with others and working together that the vision of the new world can be expanded. Examine the ways that you can help others to bring out their higher potential and creative expression. In this way you also add to the experiences of the collective of humanity.  Be aware of how you use your own energy and remember to honor those around you who surround and support you. Be noble and humble in your quest for mastery, for each of you has your own path to follow that leads to the ultimate goal of the mastery of self. No one has all the answers. Mastery and leadership requires the compassion, discernment, selfless service and pure vision to ignite the passion that burns within the hearts of others around you. 

You must continue to cleanse your auric field and individual chakras on a daily basis. Align with your higher self and your God sanctioned spiritual guides and angels in order to maintain your high connections. Daily practice of meditation, contemplation and attunement to the higher realms is a necessity to maintain clarity and sense of purpose. As the Earth moves into higher frequencies this becomes of paramount importance. You are each God’s loving grace manifesting here on Earth. These practices will keep you connected to this purpose.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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