Home » Spirituality » Brilliant Movie Recommended by Sananda and One Required Movie: “Interstellar,” Co-created with Sananda and One

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Brilliant Movie Recommended by Sananda and One
Required Movie: “Interstellar,” Co-created with Sananda and One

Kathryn E. May, PsyD, Nov. 9, 2014


Sananda and One have required that we – Gabriella and I – go to see the film, “Interstellar,” which we did last night. It was “commissioned” by them, and they are very excited about having it as a wonderful tool for the awakening of humanity.

You will understand when you see the film, especially when you see it for the 2nd or 3rd time, why this is such an important event in the opening of consciousness. It will assist those who are open to it in peeling away the layers of illusion, and will help greatly with our Ascension.

Buy the film if you can, and loan it to others to view. Talk with your close friends and family about the many layers of meaning in the film, which will reveal themselves to you gradually. Be open, and be patient.

The acting is wonderful; Matthew McConaughey is truly a warrior of Light, and the women in the film are strong, brilliant and believable.

We welcome comments about your experience of the film on our Healing For Ascension Tour page. It is something you are going to want to share with others.
Please pass this on to everyone you know.

View the trailer



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