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Nancy with Flame Twin, Uriel


I’ll never forget my first flight. The day was dark and rainy. I boarded the airplane thinking “dark and rainy” was the way life was on that memorable day. I expected nothing else and settled in my seat—eager and yet, apprehensive over leaving the ground.

I was going to visit beloved relatives and could hardly wait to see them. But, first I had to get to Shreveport and according to the information my five senses related to me, I was in for a dreary flight.

As the plane raced down the runway and lifted into the air, my heart was in my throat. “I want off!” I nearly panicked.

The man sitting next to me sensed by discomfort and commented, “This is your first flight, right?” He began asking questions, apparently to distract me a little.

“Where are you going?” “Who are you visiting?” “How long do you plan to stay?”

Turned out, this kind man lived in Shreveport and was a close friend of my uncle. A sense of peace swept over me. I was not alone; my uncle’s friend was with me and knew the way.

I could smile again! Then it happened!

The heavy, solid appearing gray clouds that so tightly clung to the window next to me parted and my mouth fell open in amazement. The Sun was shining and the billowy clouds now beneath the plane were sparkling white. In a flash, my world was transformed! My new friend watched and smiled at my amazement.

Puzzled, I wondered to myself, “I thought this day was dark and dreary.” Rationalizing, I mentally recited the facts as I had experienced them: I saw the thick, gray clouds that fenced me off from the Sun … I felt the dampness in the air, a few raindrops on my face … I smelled the presence of rain in the air … my raincoat lay in my lap in case it was raining when we arrived in Shreveport. I realized my intellect—based on my five lower senses–had told me only how things were on the ground. Since I had not previously flown, I did not know what to expect on higher dimensions– above the thick, seemingly impenetrable gray clouds.

I did not know what I did not know.

Yes, it was a gray, dreary day on the ground where I lived. But, lift my consciousness higher, i.e. the plane ascending, and the Sun was shining with a glorious display of sparkling lights dancing on puffy white clouds. Up there, my heart thrilled to behold such radiant beauty!

This experience changed my life. Now, I often comfort myself and others with the truth: “We never know what glorious revelations are just around the corner.”

I, personally, am anticipating every moment of the forthcoming revelations to take place as Earth humans make the Flight from 2014 to 2015! I feel confident that my every need has already been supplied.

Take this life-changing flight. The Universe of Loving Beings planned it before I knew any of the major participants.

My boyfriend during the mid-1960s had flown numerous times and he wanted me to have the exhilarating experience. He allowed me to choose where I wanted to fly and bought the round trip ticket as a gift to me. Out of all the people on the plane, I had been assigned to the seat beside the kindest of men. This man turned out to be a close friend of my uncle. He was present with me during my initial near-panic moments of the flight. We became flight friends and he delivered me safely to the welcoming arms of my beloved Uncle Ed. I experienced no need … no aloneness … no lack of an understanding co-traveler. Instead, my life was forever changed with the knowledge that we do not know what we do not know and what we do not know is very likely to be so glorious that figuratively, if not physically, we fall to our knees in thanksgiving!

Five decades later, I am using this synchronous flight event as an example of Earth humans’ imminent flight from the chaotic year of 2014 to the transformative year of 2015.

The conditions on Earth appear bleak, impenetrable. And yet, hidden by the dark clouds that seem to appear in every direction we look, much Good is simultaneously taking place. We are about to exit our ground level knowledge and views, and behold the glorious pathways of life as it truly is on the higher dimensions!

On this Christmas Day 2014, our five senses cannot begin to reveal the truth of what is occurring on our planet. It is only as we leave our dependency on our five lower senses and venture into the Unknown with our 6th, very dependable Intuitive Sense that we will experience the undeniable One Truth—We are All One and very capable of creating our New Earth characterized by LOVE, PEACE, ABUNDANCE, AND PERSONAL FULFILLMENT FOR EVERY INDIVIDUAL ON THIS PLANET!

ALL WE NEED IS LOVE! With Love as our foundation of being, we can fly into the Unknown and behold the glories of life as our Loving Mother/Father God created it to be!




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