Home » Spirituality » HAPPY NEW YEAR! Goodbye 2014, Welcome 2015!

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For me, 2014 was a time of getting to know more about Russia and its people. It is a journey well worth taking, especially for those who have been taught to think in terms of Russia as “enemy.” As Lada Ray relates her personal story about her blog, we find confirmation that the world is waking up and wanting to know Truth rather than the lies we have been fed. It is with joy that I share Lada’s latest blog post because until I found her, my concept of Russia–based on the little we hear in America–had been a dreary, cold country where the people were oppressed and suffering. I’m sure there is poverty in Russia, but I’ve also sensed that the Russian people do not view material possessions as the focus of life. Enjoy seeing Russia through the eyes of a highly educated, world traveling Russian/Ukrainian woman!


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