Home » Vladimir Putin » JESUS TAUGHT: “SEEK & YE SHALL FIND …

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Nancy, with Twin Flame, Uriel


Last night (3/14/15), the world speculated on “Where is Vladimer Putin? What is going on at the Kremlin?” Photos of a shirtless Putin abounded on the internet. Although Putin was dressed like many men are when enjoying a day off work, this photo has been used in a demeaning manner. In my view, to post a photo of a World Leader not wearing his shirt is to send a subliminal message, “Don’t respect this man.” activity - Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin – March 14, 2015

 Because I grew to deeply respect President Putin during my 24/7 week of researching him and studying his esoteric astrological natal chart, to see him demeaned saddens me deeply. “Why does our world insist on demonizing the very individuals who have incarnated with the Soul Purpose of leading our planet to a much higher level of life for ALL?”

I remembered a synchronic journey on the internet that another woman, Heather Mac, and I experienced regarding President Putin. I re-read my account of that journey, posted on my Blog, and pondered whether or not to re-post it while the world speculated on what is happening at the Kremlin. I hesitated and instead, retired for the night.

This morning (3/15/15), I turned on my computer to find this e-mail from Ruth, a woman who found my website in the same manner Heather and I were led by Spirit on our synchronic journey regarding Putin. I include the e-mail just to allow readers to see that, as Jesus taught, when we seek for truth, we find it.

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door is opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8 –Lamsa’s translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta)

We do not know “how” we find what we seek; the door simply opens for us and we receive invisible guidance.

I have never met or communicated with Ruth and, she had no way of knowing that I was pondering re-posting information Heather and I were guided to regarding President Putin. However, she is a member of our Universal Family and the Universe provides. We are truly ONE FAMILY OF GOD!

This morning, Ruth is the instrument thru which I receive Divine Guidance. She writes: I stumble upon your website on purpose because nothing ever happens accidentally. I want to thank you for my achievement of clarification. Your word usage allows anyone reading your material a profound sense of awareness and a level of understanding most presenters are unaware of. So I thank you from the depths of my soul. I send you love, light and abundance.”

Ruth asked for clarification, and it was given to her; sought and she found; knocked, and my website was opened to her. Our Universal Family is always available to us, even when we have never met on the 3rd dimensional plane. ALL IS ONE!

It was this same type divinely led journey that Heather and I took! The difference was that we were not consciously aware of Seeking before the journey began. Once we embarked, we became fascinated over being led to one source of information after another. Here is the account of our discovery regarding President Vladimer Putin.


***The Endnotes will simply lead to my full article, where the Endnotes will lead to the website from which the quote came.***

Although thousands, perhaps millions, have dedicated their lives to co-creating the New Golden Age on Planet Earth, I have written this article in the hope that we will henceforth peer beneath what appears to be happening on our planet and intuitively perceive the underlying path. Ask yourself: “what is really happening here?” After an objective look at Presidents Obama and Putin, we can comprehend that what we hear and read in the mainstream media consists of cabal propaganda and attempts to control our behavior by convincing us we have enemies around every corner.

Thankfully, Obama and Putin have been courageous leaders, adept strategists, and intuitively led by Spirit to guide the world along the path to the New Golden Age.

We are soon to learn the many ways in which the CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE can manifest. For example, our multidimensional selves can be living parallel lives or be present in more than one location at the same time. As a result, many Ascended Masters and members of our Galactic Family now walk among us. Some Ascended Masters have incarnated as the Higher Self of some in order to offer a greater degree of assistance to those working in the Light. According to several channels, Sananda is working very closely with President Obama.

According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, July 27, 2014 was a very significant day, although I’m not sure either of us knew it at the time. On that date, a friend, Heather Mac, and I experienced information being revealed relating to the Kalki Avatar.  Neither she nor I intended the computer search into which we were guided.

The morning’s revelations began when I clicked on facebook and a video was the first thing I saw. The heading someone had placed on the video was “love, tenderness, softness … a matchless man.”


It reminded me of Putin’s love of animals and how that love is written on his face when he is with them.

(The video is no longer posted—3/15/15)

I had earlier spent a week researching Putin’s esoteric astrological birth chart, looking for examples in his life that illustrated each of the Sabian symbols activated in his chart. Sitting in his auric field, I could feel the love energy in his being. I experienced him as a Love Being. [xxi]

The next revelation came in the form of this photo. The symbol on the flag behind Putin caught Heather’s attention. Putin

kalki_mb2It is the Kalki Avatar… Maitrya … Mehdi … Rider on a White Horse.

Corrine Heline, in her New Age Bible Interpretation, Vol.VI, states: “the horse represents the mind linked to the desire nature. White is the color of transmutation. Regeneration is always typified by a kingly person going as a conqueror and to conquer.”

 Keep in mind that sacred texts are written in symbolic language. When we read the surface words of these texts, we often find a extremely violent God depicted with the many gory battles in which God took one side or another. When we seek the hidden wisdom within our sacred text, a God of Love shines forth. The surface battles symbolize the inner battles we fight with our desire nature.

The Kalki Avatar comes to lead our planet to peace … to Truth. The fighting men depicted with the Kalki Avator symbolize the facets of our lower nature that we need to transmute … to regenerate in order to ascend to higher dimensions. archangel-michael-angels-25549841-172-300

Archangel Michael carries his Sword of Truth. However, Archangel Michael is not killing a human being … this picture symbolizes the use of the Sword of Truth to rid the world of all that has caused suffering and pain. As Jesus taught: “The truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32)

 “I stated that in 2014, a cosmic power described as ‘Kalki Avatar ‘in Hindu scriptures, ‘Mehdi ‘in Muslim scriptures, ‘Rider on White Horse’ in Christian scriptures, and ‘Maitrya’ in Buddhist scriptures would emerge to save humanity. All this would happen before 27th July 2014, when His appearance will be known to all.[xxii]

Were Heather and I intuitively led on our July 27, 2014 search for the meaning of the symbol on the Russian flag behind President Putin as a message that Ascended Master Maitreya has now moved into closer relationship with President Putin to assist in leading our world to peace?

During the last year or so, we have certainly seen that Putin has no plans to assist in creating a WWIII. We now know that “It is common knowledge inside the Beltway that the current US Administration (USAD) has been resisting numerous creative and heavy-handed manipulations by the COL WZs, Israelis and BCC officials to become drawn into new major air and ground wars in Syria, Iran, the Ukraine and now Iraq (again)…. [xxiii] Putin is also familiar with these “numerous creative and heavy-handed manipulations.”

 Catholic Resources states: “The belief in a Kalki avatar who will come to restore peace to the world is alive in countries throughout the world. While many still await his descent to earth, many other believers have faith that he is already here on earth.” [xxiv]

Truth will be revealed in the near future. Meanwhile, I encourage all to practice looking beneath the surface words and events on our planet and behold the Divine Plan for Earth unfolding with the help of President Obama, President Putin, and millions of altruistic Lightworkers (or White Hats, as some are called) throughout our planet!

Let’s cease all demonizing and snide, knee-jerk remarks and learn to perceive the Good unfolding just beneath the surface. All things are working together for good as Earth leaves behind the plane of duality (3rd Dimension) and ascends to the higher dimensions of Love, Peace, & Abundance for all!






NOTE BY KAUILAPELE: This is a pretty astounding series of questions, sent in by Preston James, and answers from Duncan Rhodes. http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2014/09/08/time-to-get-on-your-duff-2-of-2-gordon-duff-vt-9-8-14-questions-answered-with-duncan-rhodes-and-preston-james/

NOTE BY NANCY: Although Goggle Search lists this article as on several blogs, I am unable to find the original URL.

Veterans Today[Gordon Duff] “Duncan is perhaps the best informed individual in a number of key areas. He is a longtime friend, confidant and advisor to me and a certain inner circle.”

Q: Is Putin now receiving top quality advice and consent of the Tall White Alien ETs and if so is this the reason he has been so politically effective in his recent actions?

A:  I don’t know.  But, Putin IS VERY much aware of the fact that mankind’s history is very different to the rubbish put forward either by science or Abrahamic religions.  Plus he KNOWS that an event is coming that Russia needs to prepare for – an event that he describes as:  ”One day Russians will wake up and find that the West is no longer there as we knew it”.  His preparation includes bringing the Russian masses up to speed about UFOs, ETs, and our relationship to them.  I’ve been to see for myself his scientists and institutions in St Petersburg.  Putin is in the loop.


***You may see the working Endnotes at: https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/as-the-divine-plan-unfolds-on-earth-thanksgiving-for-those-leading-us-into-the-new-golden-age/

You may see President Putin’s Esoteric Astrological Natal Chart at : https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2014/02/22/who-is-vladimir-putin-sabian-symbols-for-vladimir-putin-as-revealed-in-his-astrological-birth-chart/











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