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BOGEY 2001-2015



For me, you begin as waves of little nudgings…

“Hey there’s a puppy out here waiting

for you to come and take me home.”


For weeks these I tried to ignore…

Then the day came…the voice grew loud…

I checked on breeders…

One last pup remained…yes, you…my Bogey…


A tiny hand-full of soft white fur…

A lively bundle of joy…

Instant love you were…filling an empty spot…

I was unaware…


Fun games…asking for a walk…only to run

so I had to play catch…

Asking to go out…only to take my chair…

if I stood up…I believe you could actually giggle…

delight filled you eyes…


Come night you snuggled on the bed…

A warm presence to fill the night…

So many years…my constant companion…

From the animal kingdom…the love of my life…


 Now you have passed…I see you everywhere…

running up the stairs…peeping through the banister…

Asking for cookies each night…you could count to three…

Sitting on the grass…looking up at me…

knowing we read our minds…


I see you now in heaven…running through the fields…

playing…free and young…

Wait for me…for we shall meet again…

                                                       Evelyn Smith ©2015


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