Home » Benjamin Fulford » A review of the current alliances of secret societies and visible power centers – Benjamin Fulford – August 24, 2015

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NOTE BY NANCY: Little does the general public on this planet know who truly controls the world in which we live. While Benjamin is on vacation, he presents a means for us to better understand our present world and what those who work for the GOOD OF ALL encounter. A valuable summary!


A review of the current alliances of secret societies and visible power centers

Benjamin Fulford – August 24, 2015

“In preparation for what is sure to be a busy autumn, now is a good time to review the world’s secret and public power structures and alliances. In order to provide value added to subscribers, this report will be based mainly on first-hand experience with various secret societies and public power structures.

My entry into the world of secret societies started after I publicly warned the Asians that SARS was a biological weapon targeted at them. A murder contract was taken out on me by the Neo-con Khazarian Bush administration because of this and my exposure of 911 truth and other journalistic activities….”

READ MORE: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2015/08/27/full-article-benjamin-fulford-8-24-15-a-review-of-the-current-alliances-of-secret-societies-and-visible-power-centers/




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