Home » Sheldan Nidle » Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7 Kan, 7 Pop, 13 Caban – August 2, 2016

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
7 Kan, 7 Pop, 13 Caban – August 2, 2016


Selamat Balik! All is coming into view! The key is the new American currency. It is being printed and accounted for by the new Department of the Treasury. These precious metal-backed monies signal that this hemisphere has joined the East. This money is to set up the first stages of a global revaluation that is to be the foundation for a new and fairer banking system. Prosperity requires that these safely secured funds be the stable foundation for this surface world’s prosperity. It is this prosperity that is to successfully fuel a new worldwide reality. Many amazing inventions, long sequestered by the ancient regime, are to be released for numerous revolutions in healing and in a worldview that is no longer appropriate for humanity. Our desire is to aid this growth by at times letting you know how best to expand these new technologies. Our expertise and guidance can permit you to attain your desires quickly. The main purpose here is to help you to discover how the universe really works and, in learning its amazing electrical origins, to alter how you perceive your reality.

READ MORE:  http://www.paoweb.com/uf080216.htm


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